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ACT 08 

y/n watched the fireworks with kusuo in silence. she was admiring the fireworks, watching the sparks fly in the air, shining brightly. during the fireworks, the only thing kusuo was focused on, was her.

he didn't realise that but when he did, it was only when the fireworks was over and y/n diverted his attention to him, commenting about the fireworks.

"the fireworks
were nice."

kusuo nodded. he couldn't really say much of it since he had been putting the whole duration on the girl beside him who was thoroughly enjoying the show.

"let's go to a
fish store."

y/n suggested. she needed some necessities for her new pets. she knew how to take care of fishes since she used to read blogs on fishes. well, she practically knows how to care for any domestic animals since she would read about them in her free time.

she needed a tank, heater, lighter, substrate, aquatic plants and some other smaller items. she had her card with her, containing the money that she has worked in the part time job. her parents had texted her to go back home before midnight and had placed the trust in kusuo for him to send their daughter back home safe.

kusuo agreed and walked to the nearest open fish store with y/n who was thinking about what she would share. she knew that kusuo wasn't the type to tell stories and usually, she was the quiet one. but when you compare the two, y/n was the more open individual. she didn't want to go to the fish store in pure silence. so she broke it.

"do you have anything
you want to do in oikinawa?"

y/n was referring to the school trip in a week's time. the class would be on board to oikinawa where they will staying there for three days and two nights.

"coffee jelly."

the boy said, y/n was a little amused by his answer.

"was the coffee chocolates
nice? the ones i gave during

y/n asked, adjusting her grip on the gold fish bag. kusuo reached his hand out to take it instead, despite her protest. y/n sighed and allowed kusuo to take the bag of goldfish.

"it was nice. i enjoyed it.
where did you get it?"

kusuo's words warmed y/n's heart. she was contented that the boy enjoyed her sweets.

"it's from a chocolate store
down the streets of PK
Academy. they sell cakes
there too."

she had forgotten the name of the shop. she knew it was a western name but couldn't quite put her finger on it. kusuo nodded and had decided to go and check the store out when he has the time to. kusuo and y/n reached the fish shop soon after.

luckily, the shop was still open despite the late hours. y/n conversed with the store owner to get the necessary equipment. she had the budget of 10400¥ though it wasn't much to invest in an animal, she knew those goldfish couldn't live for long. maybe in the near future, she invest would in fishes and take care of them properly. y/n had the hunch that shiro would be elated at the new fishes. mentally hoping at shiro wouldn't prey on the poor goldfishes, y/n decided to monitor her fishes for a weeks time to ensure that shiro doesn't engage in any funny business.

kusuo helped her carry the materials and the pair made their merry way to the l/n estate.

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