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ACT 06

"i got a part time
job at a convenience

y/n started. she was having family dinner. the family ran out of conversation topics well, it was just her parents talking. y/n didn't want to add into anything. but as they ran out of words to exchange, y/n thought it was a good moment to share it.

"when are you
going to start?"

her mother asked, she was proud that her child decided to get a part time job. m/n knew that her child could have spent that time relaxing at home but instead, she chose it to earn money.

"tomorrow night shift,
10pm to 4am."

y/n replied nonchalantly.

"night shifts
are dangerous."

y/n's father spoke up. he didn't feel at ease when his daughter was out till dawn. y/n didn't bother to reply her father. she knew that he was worried but what could she plausibly do? she couldn't make empty promises. there is always that 1% chance that she may get hurt.

"it should be alright."

her mother reassured. the family dinner continued, the parents were beyond exhausted with their work today but masked it away. they were thankful that their child had done the chores for them and maintained the house.

in all honestly, the l/n parents were glad that they had raised such a dutiful daughter. sure she doesn't like to converse or interact with much people. but they knew that she showed her care and concern through her actions. big or small, they meant little things and her parents always managed to catch on.

dinner went by and y/n stayed in her room, playing a small cat game with shiro. currently. shiro was chasing around his feather toy while y/n was heavily amused by the white furball running around. soon after, shiro got tired and laid on y/n lap. she loved her cat with all of her heart.


y/n wore the uniform her manager had given her. it was the same uniform as the boy she had saw yesterday. it consisted of a red collared shirt with a small logo at the right of the shirt and a black track pants. paired with a red cap. the manager told her she need not to wear the hat but instead put red ribbons in her hair to practically tie the outfit together.

y/n was too lazy for that. putting on the cap, she bid goodbye to shiro and her mother. her father was working overtime.

"stay safe."

her mother voiced out while y/n nodded a reply. on her merry trip to the convenience store was a silent one. she put on her headphones and took in the small details of her neighbourhood. the cans littered on the floor. the small cicadas making noises in the night. the trees rustling against the wind.

those minute details were what kept her distracted on her way to her work place. as she opened the door, the same boy there, on the verge of dozing off. the store chimed, signalling a customer when in actuality, it was just y/n. the boy jolted a bit and looked at the newcomer.

"you're the girl that
was here yesterday."

his voice was groggy. has he not been drinking water? y/n thought internally. she gave him a nod and  approached the cash register.

"i'm gonna teach you a
few things, then you can
get started."

the boy says and taught her how to perate the cash register. he then showed her the storeroom where all the other canned food was stored.

"there usually isn't much
customers at night. but there
is one customer that regularly
comes in to buy coffee jelly
around this timing."

y/n's mind instantly drifted to her dear friend, kusuo.

"i don't think i have
introduced myself properly."

the brown haired boy reached his hands into his hair, ruffling it in nervousness. y/n didn't show much of an expression and allowed him to continue.

"i'm kiriyama tai. i hope
that we will get along
well and through these
shitty work shifts."

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