⛧ Soulmates ⛧

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In this world, soulmates exist for everyone

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In this world, soulmates exist for everyone. Soulmates have been picked by fate before anyones birth. Only fate knows the future and they pick each pair/group of soulmates for a reason.

Soul-marks will appear when born as initials on your left wrist. They are black but will turn gold when the bond is activated and accepted. Soulmates know when they get near each other because their soulmark starts to itch. When they meet each other's eyes for the first time the world stops around them (yes I know, very Twilighty but whatever).

Supernatural creatures or gods/goddesses will feel their soulmates emotions as the bond grows. They will also be able to pick up on their scent exclusively, no matter what species. What that means is they can find their soulmate by scent if needed but only after the soulmate bond is activated. (The scent part is only for supernatural creatures or gods/goddesses)

After the marks are activated and accepted by both soulmates, they can sense each other, hear each other's thoughts no matter how far away, feel each other's pain to an extent, and their souls are bound, but that's only for supernatural soulmates. Meaning if a vampire and a human are soulmates, the human gets the vampires "powers" and can hear thoughts, etc. But humans and humans don't get anything other than a soulmate. So no pain feeling or thought sharing for them.

Each couple is different on what they share/get as well. So every couple has different powers. But only when each group is complete. Meaning if they are not a completed group, they will still be able to sense each other's feelings, thoughts, pain, etc. but they won't be able to "share powers" until the soulmate group is complete.

There are different types of soulmates. There are soulmates (sexual), soul sisters (obviously not sexual), soul brothers (again obviously not sexual), and soul children (do I really need to put that it's not sexual? Don't be gross guys). And when a couple (or group) of soulmates have children, they each get a 'mark' of that child. No matter who the biological parents are. That also means that once the bond is accepted, they will have a special connection with the soulmates child(ren) from previous relationships. As with how the soulmates have their initials, that's how the 'mark' will appear for children but on their right wrist. This also includes a mark for any adopted child as well.

I know this is a lot of information. This is basically just a page to go back to if you're confused. The story will have and explain more of soulmate stuff. So don't worry if this is confusing! And do not hesitate to ask questions if you're confused or find something that doesn't make sense ❤️

 So don't worry if this is confusing!  And do not hesitate to ask questions if you're confused or find something that doesn't make sense ❤️

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Authors note: I know, basically just like my other soulmate books but why fix something that isn't broken? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Any questions about soulmates?

Anyone you want added?

Thanks and enjoy darling 💖

Also... my babies 🥰

 my babies 🥰

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