⛧ Tell it to the frogs - No way in hell ⛧

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Season 1 - Episode 3

    My chest burns as my eyes lock with Rick's

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My chest burns as my eyes lock with Rick's. He takes a tentative step towards me but I immediately step back. Daryl wraps an arm around me and pulls me close. "Breathe in and out slowly. 1... in.. 2.. out" Daryl gruffly says. My mind spins, voices overlap each other on what to do and I finally take a scrambled breath in. Stella wraps her arms around me as well and gently plays with my hair, counting along with Daryl. I  slowly release a breath, feeling Daryl's arm squeeze tighter. "Good girl" he whispers in my ear and goosebumps rise on my skin. I completely relax into my mates and see Rick tense. Lori comes up and plows into Rick with Carl right behind her. He ignores Lori and snatches Carl up, holding onto him like he might disappear. Logan slowly approaches with a pale face and pulls Lori back. She snatches her arm back with a glare and hugs Rick who continues to ignore her. I feel two small hands in mine and I smile down at my children.

Anubis looks at Rick and scrunches his nose up "that's your other soulmate?" Asteria giggles with a nod and I gently smack the back of his head. "Manners you little asshole" I mumble. Daryl chokes on a laugh, burying his head in my neck as his hands rest in my waist while Stella just giggles. Anubis rubs the back of his head and glares at me. I arch a brow at him and he frowns "I'm sorry momma. That was rude." I nod satisfied, as he leans towards his sister and whispers "still true though. I mean seriously! Look at Estella and Daryl!"  This time I use my magic to lightly zap his shoulder, making him jump with a high pitched scream. Asteria starts giggling first and I have to cover my own laugh as Anubis' face turns cherry red. He flips his sister the middle finger before pushing Daryl away and snuggling into my left side. Daryl gives him a 'what the fuck' look before shaking his head and wrapping his arms around all of us.

    Daryl steps forward looking down at a smaller man with tan skin and a red hat on. "Where's Merle?" His voice comes out rough and rude. Rick looks up with a guilty expression "uh, Daryl right? Look Merle" Daryl cuts him off "did I ask you?" Rick glares at Daryl until the connection hits him and I smirk. He then meets Stella's eyes and he waivers a bit. He shakes his head then scoffs, walking away with Lori and Carl behind him. Logan stays behind but periodically looks in their direction. "Is anyone going to answer me? Where. Is. Merle?" Daryl says with venom. I step up and gently stroke his arm, feeling him slowly relax. Stella grabs his hand and whispers in his ear, making his anger fade completely. The smaller man from earlier, with dark black hair and a red cap on steps forward wringing his hands. "Um he got handcuffed to a building and left. He tried to kill T-dog and-"

Daryl tenses up again and I can practically feel the heat coming off of him. I eye the kid and whisper 'run' with a smirk. Stella giggles beside me and I kiss her cheek. The kids' eyes widen and he raises his hand up "look- I didn't do it! I told them not to even if he's a racist as-" Daryl narrows his eyes and the kid turns pale "I mean I'm sorry just don't kill me, I barely survived the damn city with that sheriff!" I let out a chuckle and turn to Daryl. "I like him, can we keep him please?" He raises a brow at me and I jut my bottom lip out "pleaseeeeee?" Stella does the same, making Daryl huff and nod yes. "No fair. Two against one.." he mumbles. I grin and walk over to the kid, "I'm Selene you know my mates, Daryl and Stella. We're adopting you. Though you're too old to be my kid so you cool with being an Uncle?" He grins, nodding his head yes as a light blush covers his cheeks and nods his head towards Daryl and Stella. "I-I'm Glenn and I know Stella and Daryl. Wait, you have kids? You don't look old enough for that." I smirk and wrap an arm around him "oh I definitely like you! You hear that Daryl?" I shout with a wide grin.

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