⛧ What Lies Ahead - No One Gets Left Behind - Part Two ⛧

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Season 2 - Episode 1

Season 2 - Episode 1

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Selene POV

I sit in the passenger seat of the semi, clearing the road as Dale drives. We sit in a comfortable peace, while the others are upstairs. Dale starts mumbling something before rubbing his eyes. "You need a break Dale? It's pretty clear here. We could stop for lunch?" I ask already thinking of having a nice picnic on the balcony with the kids.
He nods his head in agreement before slowly stoping the vehicle "that would be nice. I'm going to get the other guys so we can set up a perimeter and maybe check out the cars." He quickly gets up and uses the ground level speaker to radio the men "perimeter check in 5!" Then grabs a large Vibranium bat with studs sticking out and smiles. "I think this is my favorite weapon you've shown us so far" Dale trails off with a small swing of his bat.

I let out a small chuckle at him and nod in agreement. They are pretty bad ass. I hear a few thumps along the stairs before I see the kids racing down, knocking the men out of the way. "Is it lunch time momma?" Asteria asks with a smile. Anubis rolls his eyes, shoving his sister away "I want to go outside with y'all. I'm old enough now." Anubis puffs his little chest out and glares at the others who giggle at him. "No. Final discussion" I state. Anubis snarls up his nose, no doubt about to run his mouth. So I cut him off "You go outside? You'll wish you were a zombie, got it?" I order, my eyes turning a slight purple. Anubis takes a small step back with pink cheeks and watery eyes. Asteria gives me a small glare and I grind my teeth together in anger. "Upstairs. Now. And I swear to gods, y'all send me one more nasty look and you'll end up like Fiona from Shrek. Fucking shitheads" I mumble as the kids stomp their way upstairs.

Rick, Stella, and Daryl watch me with curious eyes, noting my anger building up. Shane and Angel hang back, knowing not to test my limits, especially with the kids. I just shove my way past my mates, beginning to make sandwiches for the kids. What's up with this attitude from the kids? I mean seriously. I just.. wait a minute. I drop the knife I'm using to cut up tomatoes and sprint over to the giant calendar on the wall. My eyes widen when my finger trails over to the date and my heart plummets. Shit. It's almost their birthday. Their powers may be finally rearing their head. I drag a hand down my face and let out a sigh. "I need a minute" I mumble, before making my way out of the Semi.

  Not even grabbing shoes, I step onto the searing hot asphalt, quickly heading to a shadowed part of the road. The sun beams down, immediately making me shield my eyes and the humid air strangles my lunges. But anything is better than thinking of my babies growing up. How am I supposed to do this without their father? I'm not a good enough mom for this. My mind spirals into itself and a small cry tears through my chest before I gently sit on the ground. I wrap my arms around my legs letting the feelings I've been pushing down, out. The tears silently slip down my face as I bury my head into my knees, finally letting the quiet sobs turn into violent gasps of breath. All the regret, pain, sadness, and anger finally freeing from my shoulders.

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