⛧ Days Gone Bye - The Beginning ⛧

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

This chapter contains foul language, fighting, blood, and normal Walking dead crap. This is the only warning you'll get for this book unless it's something major. I only say that because TWD is super gory so I would be putting trigger warnings on every chapter. Anyways read at your own discretion.

Season 1 - Episode 1
Season 1 - Episode 2

Season 1 - Episode 1Season 1 - Episode 2

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Selene POV

    The sound of nature surrounds me; birds chirping, leaves rustling in the wind, and the light bickering of my children. Gods do they think they're being quiet? I swivel around and narrow my eyes. "What have I told you two?" Anubis looks up at me with his deep black eyes and I can already tell he's going to come up with a shit excuse. I put my hand up, stopping him. "I need you two to be quiet on runs, okay? I get it my loves, I truly do. You deserve to be loud and act like children but in this world, you can't." I sigh and run a hand through my inky-black hair.

    A twig snaps to our left and I react immediately, pushing the kids behind me then whipping my scythe out. I feel my magic connect with it immediately and it hums in awaiting. The kids pull out their magic, Vibranium-studded bats and get in defense mode. I let out a sigh of relief when I see a tuft of black hair and then my idiot brother walking out with his hands up. "Easy mama bear! It's just me" he says with a smile. I shake my head and place my scythe back into its sheath on my back. I turn back to my brother and study his face. His eyes are shining with pure bliss, just like mine did when I found.. no. Not the time Selene. I take another look at him and see his grin fade quickly, a serious look replacing it. Something's wrong..

    He clears his throat and gently grabs my arm, pulling me closer. His voice drops into a whisper "I found others but.." he stops and takes a deep breath. "Now I need you to be calm okay?" My mind races with possibilities, causing my breathing to quicken. The last time he looked like this, is when he disappeared. I shake my head "No, you can't ask me that after everything that's happened!"

    He scoffs and glares at me "Selene I'm serious, this could cause a magic surge if you don't keep calm and with the kids.." he trails off and looks over to my kids. Anubis, my first born and Asteria his twin, younger by 10 mintues. And he never lets her forget it. Anubis has dark black hair that matches his eyes, a tall lanky-like figure, and only speaks sarcasm. Asteria has long chocolate-black hair and vivid green eyes. She's a lot smaller in stature compared to her twin but she makes up with it with her attitude. They are the perfect combination of their father and I.

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