⛧ Wildfire/Ts-19 - Over My Dead Body ⛧

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

This chapter contains violence, blood, and death. Please read at your own discretion.

Season 1 - Episode 5
Season 1 - Episode 6

    My eyes flutter open to soft kisses along my neck, causing a tingly sensation in my chest

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    My eyes flutter open to soft kisses along my neck, causing a tingly sensation in my chest. I smile and pull Stella closer to me as Daryl continues kissing me. "Goodmornin' darlin" he murmurs in a deep, rough voice. I kiss his nose before snuggling into his chest and mumbling "morning love." His chest rumbles underneath me as he chuckles. While his hands trail along my arms, leaving goosebumps. Stella turns over and slings her legs and arms over us mumbling "morning babes." I sigh in contentment, savoring my mates warmth and love. Suddenly the door bangs open and two small bodies fling themselves unto the bed. "Oy! Kids what have I told you about knocking?" I yell with a brow raised. Anubis looks to Asteria as she looks to him, both pointing at each other before shouting "it's his fault" and "it's her fault!" I roll my eyes before sitting up, making Daryl grumble. Stella sits up beside me rubbing her eyes but with a large smile on her face. "What is it?" The twins look at each other before someone knocks on the open door.

   Rick stands in the doorway with a sheepish look on his face, not making eye contact with any of us. "Are you decent?" Rick asks, head still facing the ground. I smirk and look at Daryl who bites back a laugh. "Morally? No but like I have pants on if that's what you're asking." I state with the turn of my head. Rick lets out a nervous laugh as I turn to Daryl, who's laughing quietly. I looked at Stella who is shaking her head at him. I smirk then quickly lick the side of his and her face, making them both freeze and slowly turn towards me. "Did you just- Selene! You licked me!" Daryl shouts, making Rick tense up and the kids giggle. I roll my eyes and smirk at him "Well yeah, if you lick something it's yours so unless you want me to lick something else-" Daryl throws his hand over my mouth silencing me and turns to the kids with red cheeks. "I didn't- She didn't mean-" he's cut off by a retching sound from Anubis. Both of my children have horrified looks on their faces and I can't help but giggle. "Did you just reference sex?!" Anubis shouts, covering his eyes. "Oh gods stop it! My ears are bleeding!" Asteria yells, covering her ears and screwing her eyes shut.

      Stella and I are both a mess of giggles in Daryl's arms, while his face is tomato red. The kids run out screaming and making retching noises. They bump into Rick as they leave and he helps steady them before they take off again. Rick finally looks up to meet my eyes and I see the pain lingering, almost like a wounded puppy. "Um we all were wondering how close we are to the CDC?" He asks nervously, scratching the back of his neck. I shrug my shoulders at him "I don't know, give me a moment to get up and ready. Then Dar, El, and I will be downstairs" I reply, while wiping the sleep from my eyes. "I need coffee" I grumble, throwing the covers back to get dressed. I'm wearing one of Daryl's old, oversized shirts and a pair of black lacy underwear. Rick turns red but doesn't take his eyes off of me.

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