⛧ Bloodletting - Life's a Tradgedy ⛧

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Season 2 - Episode 2

Season 2 - Episode 2

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Selene POV

    A sharp pain hits my chest as I sit with Sophia on the wooden front porch. It feels as if a hot knife was shoved through my heart and the pain racks my whole body. I drop to my knees instantly as fire erupts under my skin and something physically feels like it snaps in half in my chest. The feeling of my soul being torn in half and my body being lit on fire is almost unbearable. A scream rips from my throat and my whole body is encased in purple and black magic. The others step back, guns pointed at me but Sophia feels something similar as she too hits the ground. Except green magic envelopes her and I momentarily forget the pain in my chest. That is until I see Rick running from the tree like with a limp body in his arms. And that limp body. That limp person.. was Stella.

It was as if time stopped as he slowly ran towards us, the children trailing behind him. My soulmate. My bestfriend. My Stella. I manage to get to my feet, meeting a hysterical Rick. "She was shot! We saw a deer and the next thing I know Stella was on the ground bleeding. And her bloods black!" My eyes take in her small form, pale skin, and the inky blood pooling from her chest. She can't die. I can't lose her too. I quickly grab Stella from him and take her to the house, where Hershel makes space for us in an extra room, still eyeing me and my magic.

Anubis, Asteria, Sophia, Carl, and Rick follow me into the small bedroom. I immediately assess her injury and realize she isn't breathing. Her chest isn't rising at all something snaps inside of me. Tears pool in my eyes and I whisper "no." And before anyone can stop me, I tap into my powers feeling an overwhelming amount of power flowing through my veins, begging to be let out. I feel the dark magic thrumming under my skin and I slowly lean over, placing a soft kiss on her lips. My magic pours from my mouth into her body. The purple and black swirls together before turning a dark green and settling into her skin. As my magic drains from me and into Stella, a hollow feeling settles in my chest.

I feel a part of my soul being ripped apart and my magic itself twists into something dark inside me. Like a coiling snake, reading to strike. Like the moment boiling rage finally topples over in a fit of chaos. And what's worse is I like that dark feeling. A hunger ignites in my throat, burning and eating me from the inside out. But I ignore the pain, as I watch Stella's wounds begin to close and her skin takes a pink hue again. I watch as life breathes itself into her body and hold my own breath, praying that she would be okay all the while my magic felt as if it was physically drowning me.

I feel the shadows filling my chest and taking root inside me. I take in the anger, pain, darkness, feeling at home in the swirling shadows. But as long as she lives, I don't care. I won't lose another mate. Within a few minutes, her eyes open but instead of her beautiful baby blue eyes, they're a dark and light green swirl. Like magic. Then they cool to her normal blue color, leaving me speechless. "Stella?" I whisper, taking her hand in mine to remind me that she is in fact alive. "Selene! Oh my gods. I have powers! And I saw my dad" she smiles with tears in her eyes. "I was so ready to just let go and stay but I felt your pain. I felt all of y'all. And I couldn't leave my kids behind" she whispers. I gently wrap my arms around her and let my own tears fall.

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