⛧ Save The Last One - Cherokee Rose ⛧

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

This chapter will have blood, death, suicidal ideation, and attempted suicide. Please read with discretion.

Season 2 - Episode 3
Season 2 - Episode 4

Season 2 - Episode 3Season 2 - Episode 4

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Selene POV

"Kill me" I state.

Daryl, Rick, and I sit around the bed where Stella is still recovering. She won't meet my eyes ever since the bomb of Osiris. "No, no fucking way Sel" Rick all but yells. Daryl shoots me a weird look "why? And why do ya think we could do that to ya?" I shrug my shoulders "I know it's not an easy thing to ask but I need to get to the Otherworld! I-I need to see him for myself. See that he left me willingly. So I can move past this!" I huff, my chest rising and falling rapidly. I need to know why. What I did. Why I'm not good enough. Why he would abandon us. "I love you all I truly do but he was.. my everything. I need closure or to at least hit him" I mumble, raking a hand through my long hair. But before the conversation can continue, the ground begins to shake like an earthquake.

The bookshelves spill books into the floor, water glasses crash, and everyone begins to sprint outside. The boys help Stella as I hear the kids scream and immediately sprint into action. I run outside to grab the kids but stop when a smoke cloud of black and red swirls in front of the house. The ground cracks in half where the smoke billows from. Sophia, Anubis, Asteria, and Carl all run to my side. I push them behind me protectively but I don't feel threatened by the large cloud of magic.

Daryl, Rick, Angel, Shane, and Merle all come out but stay near me. Stella and Glenn stand together white the matter leaning on him for support. The other campers and Hershel's family come out to the porch. Hershel eyes us warily and I know we need to leave soon. My eyes cut back to the clouds that are now disappearing and the ground that has finally calmed. Purple flames lick my arms just waiting to be unleashed. Two figures emerge from the clouds and my heart drops to my feet. A tall dark man with light blue eyes holds hands with a tan woman, with long dark hair and cool brown eyes. My eyes meet that steel blue and I almost stumble.

Osiris is here.

    Asteria is the first to move, Anubis not long behind her but I stand my ground. They both slam into their father with happy tears. But my feet feel like they have weights in them, my stomach churns with barb wire, and anger heats up my chest. The twins hang off their father, tears stream down their face but all I feel is hot rage. He left us. For another soulmate. His eyes meet mine and the smile he has drops completely, a rueful expression replacing it. I turn around, pushing through the others and head into the house to grab our things. No one stops me and the old creaky door slams shut behind me. I quickly pick up the things in Stella's room and make my way back outside to the camper. Why is he back?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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