⛧ What Lies Ahead - No One Gets Left Behind - Part One ⛧

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

There will be death, blood, and smut in this chapter! This is my first ever writing smut so be kind.

Season 2 - Episode 1

   Cold envelopes my whole body before a raging fire ignites in my chest and I take a deep breath

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Cold envelopes my whole body before a raging fire ignites in my chest and I take a deep breath. My eyes shoot open to a bright white light and the smell of alcohol hangs in the air. My eyes adjust to the blinding room and I slowly start to sit up. I wrinkle my nose at the bloody clothes I'm in but when I move the fabric away, there's no wound. Not even a scar. Thank you advanced healing. I realize I'm in the 'nurses' room I had added to the Semi after Carl caught something on the road to the CDC. I swing my legs over the bed and walk to the door that's slightly cracked. I hear hushed voices so I open the door a bit more and listen in.

(The doctor/nurses office)

     Rick, Stella, Daryl, Lori, Merle, Shane, Angel, and Logan are standing in a circle whispering to each other

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     Rick, Stella, Daryl, Lori, Merle, Shane, Angel, and Logan are standing in a circle whispering to each other. Shane and Angel immediately sense me, turning towards the door. The others stop, doing the same and Merle does a double take."Hold the fuck up ponyboy, weren't you just fucking dead a few minutes ago?" Merle shouts, making Daryl laugh. "Yeah well it obviously didn't stick did it two-bit?" I bite back, making Rick shake his head. Angel runs at me and engulfs me in a hug. I feel warm tears drip down my shoulder and I hold her tighter. "I'm sorry Angel, I didn't meant to scare you" I mumble. She just shakes her head then buries it back into my shoulder.

    Shane approaches us, bringing us both into a hug and I savor the touching moment. Shane finally pulls away before mumbling "I'll get the kids." Angel nods her head in agreement and takes Shane's hand, following him. Daryl and Stella quickly shuffle over to me. Stella snuggles into my chest, quietly sobbing as Daryl wraps his hands around us both before planting a kiss on my lips. It starts off slow and soft, as if he might break me. Then his kisses turn feverish and full of emotion, as if I may leave again. His tongue dances with mine, fighting for dominance before I give in and let him take over. A throat clears and he breaks the kiss with a grumble. Stella places a small kiss on my lips next, before looking over to Rick; who is staring at us with a look of pain again before he quickly closes the space between us and presses his lips against mine.

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