⛧ Vatos - The True Leader ⛧

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

This chapter contains light smut and the general gory stuff.

Season 1 - Episode 4

    My magic shimmers around us as our feet touch the ground outside of camp

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    My magic shimmers around us as our feet touch the ground outside of camp. Before I can speak though, a scream rips through the silence. Rick, Daryl, Stella, and I take off in a sprint, only thinking of the kids while the others follow. The scene we stumble upon is a gruesome one. There are many campers dead, with a hoard of freaks running around, feasting on their remains and some chasing the few left alive. My eyes shift purple immediately and within seconds, the hoard is in ashes. My eyes scramble to the bodies, praying Asteria and Anubis wasn't among them. Just because they can't be turned doesn't mean they can't get hurt.

(What Selene's powers look like)

"Momma!" I swivel around to see my babies running my way

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"Momma!" I swivel around to see my babies running my way. I meet them half way with open arms and hug them tightly. "Oh my babies! I was so worried, are you alright? Are Sophia and Carl okay too?" The kids nod yes, with clear annoyance at my worrying. I frantically check over them, only satisfied once I see they're both completely okay. I then see Carl and Sophia out of the corner of my eye, releasing the twins I motion the kids over. They run towards me and pull them into a tight hug, before checking them over as well. Stella grabs Sophia tightly with tears brimming her eyes. "Oh Soph (pronounced so-ff), I thought I lost you again" she murmurs.

   "Are you two okay?" I ask Carl and Sophia. They nod back and I smile down at them. "Good, I have something for you both. These are weapons only to be used in dire situations but I think everyone needs something." I use my magic to pull out two Vibranium, nail-studded bats like the twins and pass them to Carl and Sophia. Carl takes it with a wide smile while Sophia looks a bit apprehensive. Stella nudges her to take it and she does. "Anubis and Asteria could help teach you some moves if you'd like? They also know how to use a bow and arrow and sword if you're interested in that too. Of course, I would be teaching you those since they're more advanced." The two nod happily, before giving me a quick hug. Carl runs over to his clearly angry mother but Rick looks somewhat appreciative. Logan just stands beside them with a blank face.

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