Chapter - 4

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Tankhun and Porsche are standing in the garden. While Tankhun is feeding his babies ( Fishes).

Porsche: Is this the important matter you want to discuss with me...?

( Porsche annoyingly said )

Tankhun turned to look at Porsche, who is giving him a death glare...

Tankhun: ooiii calm down boyy..I will tell you. The thing is that........

(Then Tankhun told everything about his plan but not everything. Becoz he knows Porsche is very loyal to his boyfriend. He will tell the plans to kinn, then kinn will definitely brings them to Vegas.

This will ruin his all plans, but he needs Porsche support too.
Porsche understood the assignment and agreed to work with Tankhun.

Although Vegas is very annoying towards Porsche all the time , but he knows Vegas is a nice person and he want to see Vegas with someone whom he loves like Tankhun wants).

Porsche: Okeyy.. I will work with you..

( Then he winked at Tankhun and they went to their own room).

2 Weeks later

Tankhun: Oiii Arm Pol Porsche where are you guys....???
(He screamed like shaking the whole mansion.
Arm and Pol hurriedly run over to Khun. They are panting now because of the running.)

Arm: Khub Khun no, why are you screaming...?

Khun: Did you guys forget that we have to go out today.

Pol: we are all ready khun..

Tankhun: where is Porsche..?

Arm: We don't know
(Arm and Pol looked at each other).

Tankhun: Oiii Porsche, where are you...???

Porsche: I am here khun no.

( Porsche widely smiled at them. Arm Pol and Tankhun looked at Porsche from head to toe. His hair is a mess and his shirt is misbuttoned and he is wearing different pair of socks. In a seconds Kinn came after him.)

Tankhun: Hey Kinn did you have breakfast early in the morning.
(He teased Kinn).

Kinn: No, why did you ask that..?

Tankhun: ( he looked at Porsche and said). Oh i thought you already had your meal.

After that Kinn annoyingly left there.

Porsche: Where are we going Khun no..

Tankhun: we are going to meet Pete.

Porsche: Ohh i forgot that , can i change my cloths first.

Tankhun: ok, i will give you 10 minutes just hurry up.

After 10 minutes.

Porsche: Khun i am ready now.

*: Where are you guys going
( Came a rusky voice behind them).

Vegas pov

I don't know what is my stupid cousin is doing early in the mornin. But i got a sense that, it must be something connected to me.

For these past weeks he secretly following me and checks my schedules too. I pretended that i didn't know what he is doing behind my back. But today i want to go with him. I want to know what he is doing.

Vegas: Where are you guys going..?

(Arm Pol and Porsche jumped from the spot, but the crazy has no movement).
Can I come with you phi.

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