Chapter - 20

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Kinn pov:

Everyone is so busy today... So I thought to take Porsche out... He is attentive person.. if I don't give much attention to him, he will make me sleep on the couch... Uffff being sleeping alone on the couch making me.... Argh.....

So I searched for Porsche to ask him to go out... I saw Porsche sitting with Big in the living room...

Kinn: hey babe...

Porsche: aiiii Kinn.. where were you...??

( After seeing me Big stood from his seat and greeted me..)

Kinn: I was here baby... Big sit down...

Porsche: yes Big.. don't mind him..
And why did you look for me...

Kinn: i want to ask that, will you go out with me for a date... It's so sudden.. but come with me sweetheart...

( I walked closer to him and side hugged him)

Big: uhhhh.. Porsche I am going... You guys take your time...

( Porsche hit my shoulder and wiggle from my grip and stood ..)

Porsche: No Big... You stay here... We are going...

Kinn: you are coming... Thank you.. Bye Big...

Porsche: Big take care...


Porsche: why are we here...??

Kinn: don't you like shopping...

Porsche: i like shopping... But why are we at a Gucci shop...

Kinn: because I want to..

Porsche: kinn i don't want anything... It's so expensive and I don't want money to spend this kind of luxuries...

I can wear casual wears...

Kinn: mmmhhh .... Then we can't buy anything...just take a look at the items and go...

Porsche: if that's.. ok then...

Porsche pov:

That cheater... After an eternity later we came outside of the shop and Kinn is carrying more than ten bags...
He gave the bags to security to take them to our car...

Porsche: Kinn, i told you to don't buy these...

Kinn: Aiii Porsche.... My money is yours... And this for you baby... I don't know how to express my feelings and love to you... All I want to thank you and do these things for you... Don't deny it please...

Porsche: i know you love... But don't need to do these things... I like you the way you are... I don't want anything just you is enough...

Kinn: thank you for being here with me Porsche. I will love you and cherish you forever ....

Porsche: mmm love you too...

Kinn: shall we catch a movie...with caramel popcorn...

Porsche: mmm I don't want popcorn... I want a lolipop... a long thick one...

( I said with teasing tone.. and he understood what I meant)

Kinn: mmm don't you want to watch the movie... Or

Porsche: I can do that at the same time..

Kinn: it's my pleasure baby...

( Then we get to the theature and did our job .... Hehehe... I am always so needy for this handsome bastard... )

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