Chapter - 7

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Author pov

Vegas and Pete are going on a date today. What will happen to them. I bet Vegas and Pete didn't slept last night. Because they are thinking about there first official date.

Vegas got up early in the morning. He did some touch up for himself. Even if he didn't do any makeup, he is always handsome.

He looked at the mirror

Hmm it's cool.

( He said to himself) .

In the living room

Tankhun ArmPol and Porsche are sitting in the living room. Vegas walked up to them.
They all stare at him.

Tankhun: Oo my boy, where are you going..?

Porsche: Yes, it's a holiday today. Where are you going..?

Tankhun: You dressed up so nicely today.. Hmm what's the occasion..

(Tankhun asked teasingly).

Kinn: Oii give him a space to talk .

(Kinn approached behind them).

Vegas: I am going on a date with Pete today ..

Tankhun: Ohh!! You are really going.. OMG you are my boy unlike someone...

(Tankhun said looking at Kinn's side).

Kinn: What did I do..?

Vegas: Don't start your fukking fight early in the morning...

Porsche: hey Vegas, where are you planning to take him ..

Vegas: Nosy..

Porsche: Huhh!! I am not nosy. I have the right to know this. He is my bestfriend.

Tankhun: Yes tell us everything...

Vegas: I am not going to tell anything to you guys .. and one thing, i will bring him back safely. Ok now i am going.

Tankhun: Oii stop ...Vegasss.....

( Tankhun screamed. But Vegas didn't gave attention to it).

Kinn: Take care Bro...

Vegas Pov

I went to Pete's condo. I can't wait any longer to meet him. I gave him a call but he didn't pick up. I got worry someway. Then a soft voice heard behind me.

Pete: Vegas...

(I turned to a look at the person behind. It was Pete. A strong fragrance hit my nose. It was chocolate fragrance. It gave a hot sensation to my body).

Vegas: Pete. Are you ready. Can we go now.

Pete: Yes, let's go

Vegas: okay

( We got in the car).

Vegas: Pete, where do you want go. You can tell me. Do you want to go to an amusement park.

Pete: I don't want to go there. I want to go to a cool place.

( Vegas thought for a moment and said).

Vegas: Okay, let's go.. It's take some hours to get there. If you want to sleep, you can..

(Pete nodded).

2 hours later

Vegas: Pete, wake up..

( He is drowsy from the long drive. He is so cute when he is sleeping too. I don't want to wake him up, but we are not here for sleeping tho. I gently touched his cheeks. His skin is so smooth like butter.. I want to squeeze his cheeks all i want.. i want to smooch them, kiss them, bite them....

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