Chapter - 15

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Pete pov:

On my way to the kitchen i bumped into someone..

And it's not just someone.. it is aunt Ying..

Pete: Ohh i am sorry...

Ying: Hmmm.. where are you going at this hour...

Pete: i got hungry.. so i was searching for something eat..

Ying: huh!!! Really... You have the habit to eat late night snack ..

Pete: Yes aunty....

Korn: what are you two doing...!!?

( Uncle korn came towards us. I got scared again.. oh god Vegas is not with me.. )

Ying: I came to refill the water.. then i saw Pete here.

We just chitchat..

Korn: why are you roaming here at this hour.. huh!!

Pete: I... Uhmm....

( I am scared now... He is scaring me...

Did he make Vegas to break up with me..!!?

No.... I will not do that...

I couldn't able to control my emotions.. i cried infront of them..)

Ying: hey.. Pete.. are you crying..

Hey don't cry...

( She came closer to me and hugged me and lightly patted my head)

Ying: hey honey , drop your acting..
You are scaring him..

( She said to uncle korn)

Korn: hey .. i am just kidding Pete...

If Khun see this, he will give me punishments.. i know he is so concerned about his babies more than me and his mom...

Ying: yes.. we were kidding you.. boy...
I really like you..

In my point of view, you are just perfect for my Vegas..

Me and uncle korn will support you guys.. so don't worry... Okay ...

Pete: uhmm.... Thank you aunty..

( I nodded.. i am little relieved now..

They are just teasing me).

Korn: Mmmm.. take a rest Pete.. don't stay awake for too long.. it's bad fir your health...

Pete: Okay uncle.. good night..

( Ohh god i forgot why I came here..

I turned around and walked to the kitchen.

Where is the kitchen..

Where are you.... ..

At last i found it.. is it kitchen or a luxury restaurant...!!??

Where is the refrigerator...

Woahhh .....OMG... the whole supermarket is in here...)

*: Baby... What are you doing..??

Vegas pov:

I can't able to sleep.. should I take a sleeping pill..

I always take sleeping pills when i can't get sleep..

I took a sleeping pill. I closed my eyes tightly to welcome sleep.. but sleep didn't come near me ....

Argh.....!! What's this....

Pete... Can i go to his room... Should I check on him... If that khun see me..
It will be my death..

But i want see him .... Finally i decided to go to his room...

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