Chapter - 8

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Pete Pov

I woke up from my sleep when the strong sunlight hit my face. I looked outside, the weather is calm now.

I tried to get up from the bed. I thought it was because of my fever. But i can't feel any fever and headache in me. I'm completely okay now.

I looked other side to see a sleeping figure. I realised that it was Vegas.
His both hands are encircled me.
I am fully in his embrace now. I tilted my head up to see his face.  He looks so relaxed now. He said many things to me yesterday.

I touched his cheeks with my index finger. I touched his eyelashes, then to his nose, ears, jawline, eyes, and finally to his lips. His lips looks so soft and plump. But suddenly I noticed something, he is half naked now. Where is his shirt!!? Didn't he wear any shirt yesterday..! But he is looking so sexy now... He has six packs, no!! It's eight packs tho..!! OMG ... He definitely worked so hard to build this body.. I stare at his abs .. but i didn't realise that someone watching Mee

Vegas: Done staring sweety...?

Pete: Mm.. No.. i am not staring at you..

Vegas: it's not a good thing to lie early in the morning sweety..

Pete: Okay.. what time is it..

Vegas: hmm It's 9 in the morning..

Pete: Ohh really, we have to go now ..

Vegas: Go take a shower and get ready.   Later we can go back.

Pete: Okay..

( After a while later wel dressed up and got to the car).

Pete: I think the road is clear now.

Vegas : Yes. Pete, put this on..

( He gave his jacket to me ).

Pete: No, i am not cold..

Vegas: Put this on Pete, it's keep you warm ..

( I put that jacket on me).

Vegas: Pete, how are you feeling..? Did the medicines worked on you .

Pete: Yes, i am fine now..

Vegas: Pete, you can sleep if you want..

Pete: mhh..i am not sleepy.. Vegas can you put a song..

Vegas: yes, which song do you want.

Pete: Why don't you stay by Jeff Satur.. It's a beautiful song with lot of emotions in it.

Vegas: Is this your favourite song.

Pete: hmm. One of them..

At mansion

Tankhun: Oii Kinn...... Where the hell are you..

Kinn: I am here.. why are you yelling..

( He annoyingly came towards him).

Tankhun: Where is Vegas. Why is he not come back yet. How is Pete

Kinn: They are on the way back to home.They will get here soon.

Tankhun: I want to see my Pete soon .. i already miss my baby Pete.

2 hours later

We arrived at my condo. I didn't sleep like last time. We talked in the whole drive. I am now more comfortable around him. We got out off the car.

Pete: Thank you Vegas. I really liked this trip.

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