Chapter - 22

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Author pov:

Vegas and Pete really enjoyed their date.... They didn't had their time together after his accident.. so they enjoyed it so much...

They laughed, hugged, kissed all the way to the home....

And when they reached the mansion, the whole house was in silence...

Vegas: where are they...? Where is khun...? Did he goes with Top....?

Pete:it's so silent...??

( Pete held Vegas's arm tightly...)

Vegas: baby, are you scared...

Pete: mmm... A little...

Vegas: owww.... Don't be scared.. i am here...

( He assured... And held Pete to him closely...

When they reached the living room they so everyone was sitting there...

But Vegas eyes got stuck on another figure.... )

Vegas: KIM.....

( Everyone looked at the direction

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( Everyone looked at the direction....
Pete also looked at Kim... )

Khun: ahhh... You finally came... Pete come here. Sit...

Pete: krub khun....

( He goes to sit with khun.. but Vegas didn't let that happen... He dragged Pete to sit with him.... )

Vegas: Kim.. when did you come bro...
You didn't tell they you were coming...

Kim: yeah... I got bored there... So I came back...

Vegas: hmmm... And ohh.. i forgot to introduce... Here , Pete my boyfriend...

( Pete greeted him...)

Pete: Sawadee....

( Kim just nodded his head and smiled)

Vegas: and what happened to your face....

( His face had bruised...)

Kim pov:

Few hours ago

Ohhh it's been a while since I came back to home... I miss everyone so badly ...

So I didn't told anyone that I am coming...

I just want to surprise them ..

But to my surprise the home was empty... Everyone went to do their business..

So I thought to explore the house....

I entered the living room and droped my suitcases there and roamed around the house...

And I got thirsty, so I look for water and went to the kitchen... When I drank the water, i turned to walk back...

When I turned I crashed into someone and i got loosed my balance... But before I fall I successfully grabbed something for not to fall... And that helps me...

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