Chapter - 10

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Pete pov

It's been two weeks that we met at the restaurant. Vegas is so protective over his little brother. Macau is a cute little guy. He is really nice to me. After our meeting he always text and calls me.

He always reminds me that i will tell Vegas about my partime job. But i didn't get a chance to talk to him. He is so busy with hospital these days and i am akso busy with my studies. So we didn't meet regularly. We will just talk to each other on the phone. But he would definitely text me in the morning and night. He would sent me some greeting messages or his selfies. Our affection is grown fastly these days. We are more comfortable to each other than before.

Today is a holiday here. So I didn't have to go to college today. So I went to my workplace early today.

Pete: Khun Tem Sawadee khap

Tem: You are here..!?

Pete: yes, i didn't had any classes today. That's why I came here earlier.

Tem: Oohhh, thank you Pete. You saw my heart kid. John ( coworker) is not here today. We have so many orders too. I thought who will do these orders.
That's when you came.

Pete: No problem, i will do that.

Tem: Thank you Pete.
Here is the orders.

Pete: I will get there in fifteen minutes.

Tem: Pete, put this cap.

Pete: Thank you....

Vegas pov

Everyone is saying that i am a workaholic, i think the same too. I didn't had a proper sleep. Pete was always in my mind even if i am in work. We didn't had any chance to meet too.

Once this workloads are over, i will take Pete to a long trip if he agrees to come. He also need a rest too. I will bring him to Chiang Mai to meet my Pa.

I have a meeting to attend today. It is a private meeting and thare are few people are in it. The meeting went very well. They ordered food for the conveners.

I was talking with a cordinator, when noticed a familiar figure coming into the hall.

Vegas: Pete...

Author pov

He was shocked at the moment. That was his Pete. Vegas didn't dare to went to him. He looked at Pete clearly to clarify that, it is Pete or not.

" It's Pete. But what is he doing here..!? What's with the uniform and is he doing a partime job..!?? Then why didn't he tell me anything..!?
Am i not important to him.?? Or is he not loving me..!?? Is Pete got into this relationship because of P'khun..!??

I will ask him by myself. Should I go to him or call him?? I will call him.. "

He went back from here after giving the orders. I secretly followed him outside. I dialled his number. He took his phone from his pocket.

Vegas: Hello Pete.
( I talked to him in a calmed voice)

Pete: Hello Vegas, how are you. Is your shift over already. It's still so early for that..

Vegas: No, i just finished a meeting now. That's when I thinks about you, that's why I called you.

Pete: Ohhh.. Are you okay.. Is everything alright to you..

Vegas: Mmh.. Yes. Where are you now. Can I meet you now. ?

Pete: Mhhh .. Sorry Vegas. I am not available now. I am little busy with my projects. Can we meet some other day.

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