Chapter - 27

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Macau: hia... That...

( Macau stuttering and try to find any lies that has in his brain.. but none of them came to his mind..)

Vegas: Mac tell me..

Chay: I will tell you Phi.

( Chay said while going down from the stair, macau stared at Chay)

Macau: Chay no..

Chay: mmm i need to tell this, the sooner the better.

Macau: but....
( He looked the surroundings and bit his lips...)

Chay: Phi, we are dating..
( Chay said sternly... Both Kinn and Vegas jumped from their seat yelling..)


Kim: mmm yeah... Why are you so surprised..?
( He said with smile )

Vegas: hey don't get on my nerves..
What is this guys.. are you kidding..?

( Then Macau came to beside chay and intervine their hands together..)

Macau: sorry Hia.. I didn't tell you earlier... But I love him so much...
Please understand me ..

Kinn: you guys are saying this now...!!?
OMG Porsche will kill me If he know this ...!!

Kim: hhuhh... Don't be a drama queen man... Chill...hihihi..

Kinn: aiii kim... You... Oh wait..why are you not surprised at all...?? And you too Arm..

Kim: it's easy to find out man.. I found out that the first day when I stepped here.. and for Arm I don't know..

( He said looking the direction were Arm sitting)

Vegas: hey  Arm don't try to runaway i will catch you....

Arm: hihihi... I am not. Hihihi...

Kinn: then tell how did you know..

Arm: erhmm.... I saw them at the mall the other day.. thats how I know..

Kinn: ohhh.. and what were you doing in the Mall ..

Arm: erhhh....

Macau: they also went their to a date...

Kinn: ohh umm it make sense now..

Vegas: hmm... I have lot my head now...

Chay: Phi don't be mad at us..

Vegas: i am not mad at you guys.. but it just surprised me.. my two nongs are now together... How fast time flies....

Macau: Hia we will turn 18 next year.

( Macau said looking down the floor..)

Vegas: hmmm you are always a baby to me Mac...

Kinn: mm Vegas.. how will we handle this...

Kim: hey guys you don't have to handle anything... They will take care of their problems... Hey you two... Tell your Phi's about this by yourself..

( Both Macau and chay nodded)

Vegas: mmm then go to sleep... You have schools tomorrow...

Kinn: wait. You two go sleep your own separate rooms okay...

Chay: hah phi....

( Then they went to their room.. both Vegas and kinn signed looking at their nongs...)

Vegas: ohhh I am fucking tired...

Kinn: easy man...

Arm: just forget this matter and focus on our mission...

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