Chapter 24

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"The Princess of France?!" I yell out pacing my room.
"If this makes you feel any better, she's not hot." Kane says from the chair in the corner of the room.
"Thanks, Kane. That makes me feel amazing." I say sarcastically.
Kane just shrugs then resumes eating his apple.
What am I going to do? I know I told Harris I don't want to talk to him but just seeing Jamie's smug smile last night, it's like she kissed him on purpose. And that makes me feel extremely jealous.
"I think I am going to take a walk in the garden." I glance over at Kane.
Suddenly his face turns white,
"I don't think that's a good idea."
Confused, I walk over to the window.
Storm clouds line the horizon casing a eerie shadow on the garden.
Other then flash of lighting in the distance, nothing seems wrong.
"Why?" I ask putting my head against the window.
"Well, um-"
All of a sudden a loud alarm goes off through out the palace. I cover my ears and scream. The alarm is so loud my eyes blur with tears.
Kane places his hand on my shoulder and directs me in the hallway.
I look up at him and see him mouth something.
"WHAT?" I try to yell over the alarm.
He cups his hands around my ear and yells "WE NEED TO GET TO THE SAFEROOM!"
We run down the hallway with our hands over our ears .
What in the world is going on?
Once we arrive in the room, my parents immediately pull me over to the corner.
"What's happening?" I say.
The alarm has finally stopped, leaving my head pounding.
"We don't know! We didn't pull the alarm!" My dad mumbles.
My heart freezes.
What did that mean?
The door to the safe room swings open with a loud bang.
And in marches Harris.
He walks straight towards me with a determined face.
"Maple I pulled the alarm." He croaks.
Up close I see his eyes are bloodshot and his face red and puffy.
I glance over my shoulder at my parents and see their annoyance.
"Make an announcement that the alarm was a misunderstanding and the palace is clear." My mother says to the nearest guard.
I haven't told my mom what Harris did to me, but she can tell he didn't pull the alarm about a rebel attack.
Everyone starts to file out of the room.
Kane lingers behind waiting for me.
"Harris why would you-"my father begins buy gets cut off by Harris.
"Can I please have a moment with Maple." He begs.
"I don't think-" This time Kane jumps in.
"Please." Harris whispers, tears forming in his eyes.
The room goes quite, then my parents leave the room.
Kane looks at me then follows my parents.
I keep on a straight face, masking my emotions.
I so badly want to forgett what he did and hug him. I want to forget the world by burying myself in his arms.
"Maple." He says slowly.
I don't trust myself to speak.
"I can't stand it. I messed up. I don't even remember kissing Jamie because all I can think about is you. Your laugh. Your smile. I look at something and immediately think of you. I was working-"
"And then Jamie walked in-"
"And she looked at me-"
"Harris stop!"
He finally stops talking and looks at me in the eyes.
" My mom saw you too kissing the day before I caught you."
"What the hell? The first time i have ever seen Jamie was when you caught her kissing me." He says running a hand through his hair.
" Why would she lie to me about that? My mom definitely saw two people kissing and she thought that was you and me." I yell backing up.
He sits down, deep in thought.
" I don't know! Maybe she assumed it was us?! Maple I love you I would never cheat on you-"
"Harris I don't want to hear it! I'm done with your lies!"
"Maple, she grabbed me and pulled me to her. You walked in right when that happened and I pulled right away! I miss you so much, I can't sleep."
My heart lurches.
" I miss you too but I don't know-"
" Please come back to me I need you."
For some bizarre reason, him saying I need you reminded me of oranges. Oranges reminded me when things were simple.
Thinking about the simple life made tears fall.
"Maple can you forgive me?"


Please forgive me for not updating! I am so confused with Maples love life. Ugh she has the struggle. I NEED YOUR GUYS OPINION!! SHOULD MAPLE GO BACK WITH HARRIS OR GO WITH KANE???? I also need an opinion on where this story should go. I had a major writers block and it's getting worse. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND READS AND COMMENTS AND VOTES💞💞💞 you guys are truly amazing! I will update when I get inspired and that will probably be very soon!!

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