Chapter 19

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Harris POV

The rain soaks through my cape.
I look up at the clouded sky. This is probably the dumbest idea ever.
That's why I like it.
I have been outside for 10 minutes waiting for the signal.
I run the words I am suppose to say over and over again in my head.
After I told Maple about her parents we called every base there is asking about where her parents could be.
They all said they never heard from them.
Then Grant suggested an idea.
So here I am.
Plane B.
A quick flash of light catches my eye from the woods.
That's my que. Quickly I hop up from where I was sitting and walk to my destination.
The whole time I am walking I think of Maple. When we find her parents we can finally get married and fix the castle.
I am so glad she liked the renovation idea. I wonder how all the people of Illea are doing. I bet it's chaos.
"Excuse me sir."
I look up and see to heavily armed guys staring at me.
"Oh don't worry about me. I am expected by your boss." I smile.
"Uh huh. Well we will escort you then." The guards take my arms and open the doors leading me down a all to familiar hallway.
So far everything is going accordingly to the plan.
The guards stop and open an oak wood door.
"Sit here while we talk to our boss."
I take a seat in a comfy sofa. And study the room.
There is another set of oak doors, which the guards walked through. Nothing is on the bare white walls and there is only 2 other chairs. Other than that there is an empty fire place the looks like it hasn't been used in ages.
I put my head in my hands.
Maple. Maple. Maple.
I am so lost in my thoughts that I don't see the guards come back.
"You are allowed to go through those doors."
I stand up and unbutton my coat.
"Thank you kind sirs." I say smiling. They grunt and walk away.
Okay then.
I approach the doors and swing them open.
Random paintings cover the walls surrounding a lit fire place. Floor to ceiling windows sit behind a enormous desk draped in red curtains.
Sitting behind the desk is the person most critical to this plan.
"I knew you would come back!"
Covered in bruises, cuts, and in a wheel chair.

Yayyyy I updated! Woot woot! Sorry it is short but the next chapter will be exciting... buuuttttt I need to know if you guys want to read it from Harris or Maples point of veiw?? Comment!! Andddddd I made a new story!!! I hope you guys enjoy that story as much as this one! Thanks for all the support!

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