Chapter 4

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Hey guys! thanks for reading! I just wanted to get your ideas for something...

Which one of the boys should be a secret southern rebel?

Harris or Jacon?

Thanks again!


The first thing I remember from waking up is the pounding. I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest and a hammer knocking my head.

I flutter my eyes open and see a cement block ceiling.

I tried to sit up but feel instantly feel dizzy. I lean over the cot I am laying on and throw up the oranges.

At lest now I know I haven't been passed out longer then a day.

"Maple love?"

I lay back down, turning my head.

My mother and father are sitting on to chair next to my cot with worry (and maybe panic)painting their faces. Behind them are the boys sleeping on other cots.

Harris and Jacon are quietly talking stealing looks in my direction.

We are in the safe room, I realize.

"How long have I been-"

"3 hours." my mom replies.

"And we are still in the safe room?"

"Yes, it turns out a lot our our guards were rebels. It was chaos, and still is . And can I ask what were you doing out there?" my dad asks.

I told him my dream, then about sneaking into the kitchen and taking a short cut through the boys hallway(streching the truth). When I talked about the rebel and the gun his shoulders tensed up and his face became really serious.

My mother whispers in his ear causing him to frown.

"But Maple.." He trails off and whispers back.

I lean my head back and shut my eyes tight. When I open my eyes again everyone is asleep besides the guard by the door. I must have fallen asleep. This time as I lift my head I feel fine.

I throw my sheet to the floor, then tiptoe to the door passing 35 boys.

I open the door, realizing the guard is asleep, and follow the red carpet to two French doors leading to outside.

I am crazy. Sneaking outside of the safe room during a rebel attack. But it seems no one is around. The guards probably wanted to just be safe and keep us in over night.

As the cool air hits my face somebody taps my shoulder.

I whip around seeing a shadow, not being able to make out the person.

Then I see.


"Princess Maple." He bows.

I lean over and whispers "You don't need to bow."

He smirks

"None sense I have been practicing my bow just for you."

"What are you doing out here?" I ask. I thought I saw all 35 people in the safe room..

"What are you doing out here?"

I was about to reply but footsteps interup.

Jacon grabs me by the sleeve and we jump over a bush.

"Is everyone in their place?"A husky voice says.

"Yes sir. the Royal family and the Selected are in the saferoom." A shaky voice says this time.

"Tape and ropes ready?"

"Yes-yes sir."

"Good sound the alarm. we are ready to attack. Remember this day my boy. Today is the day the Royal family goes down."

Then they are gone.

Jacon yanks on my elbow.

"Are you ok?"

I nod my head wiping my eyes.

My family is doomed.

I am suppose to be in there.

"Come on." he says standing up.

"What? where are we going?" I say joining him, wiping my nose on my sleeve.

"We are going to go save the day."

Then we run off , straight into a trap.

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