Chapter 17

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Maples POV

It was unbearable.
My home was demolished.
Harris was holding me by the side, I couldn't even stand up.
Where you would usually enter to the palace is gone. The stone stairs are gone.
I can't take it anymore.
I walk way from Harris and try to climb the rubble. I grab the first rock and pull my self up. I continue to climb until I reach the doors.
Well the doors aren't really there anymore.
I can hear someone calling my name but I ignore them.
I step in and all the air in my lungs disappear. I fall to the ground gasping for air.
"What happen?" I sob.
When you walk in the roof fell down and crushed the women's/men's room. the stairs leading up to all of the rooms and everything else has holes in the stairs.
"Who would do this?" I whisper.
Black dots line my vision.
It's to much to handle.
I feel Harris pick me up. He calls out some orders to the others.
I just lay there in his arms to shocked to move or register anything.
"It's ok. We will find your parents-" he says something else but I have lost it by then.
I pass out.

I wake up to the sound of snoring.
I am taken back a couple of nights ago when I heard Harris snoring through his door. Me on the other side smelling like oranges.
But when I open my eyes I see I am laying on a banged up mattress that has been pull of the bed.
The bed is in 3 pieces.
I rub my eyes to make sure I am seeing right.
Oh my god.
I am in my bedroom.
The moon light shines throw the tattered curtains. This isn't my room.
My room does not have bullet hole in the walls. My room does not have a hole in the roof.
This is a strangers room.
Oh wait. That's right.
The rebels ruined my home.
I turn over and see Harris sleeping peacefully with his blonde hair a mess. His snoring slows down and comes to a stop.
"I know you are staring at me." He says with out opening his eyes.
I lean over and move the hair out of his eyes.
"Why are we in my bedroom? It's depressing." I say laying my head on his chest.
"You passed out in my arms so I thought we could call it a day. The boys wanted to sleep in their rooms. There rooms weren't hit that hard. And I figured you would like to see your old bedroom."
I try to hold back tears.
"They bombed my house didn't they?"
He strokes my hair then kiss the top of my head.
"I'm sorry."
I am about to break down but then Harris starts to tickle me.
I jump up laughing.
"What was that for?" I laugh.
He hops up too and tickles me again. I laugh so hard I lose my breathe.
"Stop it!" I grin.
Harris laughs along and scoops me up in his arms.
"You like carrying me don't you?" I raise my eyebrow.
"As long as you don't pass out I would carry you all the time." He grins back.
He is so special in that way. He just sucks all my worries away. And that's why I like him.
Actually I think I might love him.
Harris sets me back down then rips down my curtains reveling the full moon. It lights up the room making my insides turn warm. You could never tell my room was bombed.
Harris comes back over and wraps his arms around me then starts dancing.
"Dancing?" I smile.
"It was one of the ways I had all the lady's falling head over heels for me." Harris jokes.
"Very funny." I laugh.
We slow dance around my room in the moonlight.
"Maple," He stops dancing and looks me straight in the eyes.
"I have been building up my courage to say this and at first I was afraid that what I am about to tell you is cheesy but then I realized it's something else. I am afraid you won't love me back. Maple I love you. You are the most amazing thing that has happen to me. My life pretty much sucked before I got assigned to protect you. And now that I am here with you in my arms I could not ask for any thing else. I just want to see you happy. We will find your parents and fix everything up. Just remember I love you."
This time the tears some down.
And I'm not crying because I am standing in my destroyed room (I can save those tears for later) I am crying because I love him too.
And I tell him.
"Harris I love you too."
He smiles so big I laugh.
"I am so glad you said that."
And then he kisses me. This time I want to stand here forever not moving. But then he pulls any and grabs my hand.
"Do you want to go exploring?" He asks.
"The destroyed palace?" I confirm.
He nods.
"Sure just let me get changed. I have been wearing these clothes for to long." I say. He leaves the room and I run over to my flatten dresser. I manage to rip the top off and grab the first things I see.
Which of course is a dress.
It's my favorite one ever.
It's a summer dress that goes right above my knees. It's a pastel coral and has a silver sparkle belt. I grab a white cardigan and pull on tan flats. Then I toss my hair into a messy bun and walk out my door.
Which is surprisingly still there.
Harris is leaning against the wall and offers me his hand.
"Looking stunning as always." He smiles.
"The first few days you saw me was in sweatpants and blood." I say which is true.
He leads me down the stairs.
"I have a surprise."
I follow him wonder what the surprise could be.
Then he leads me to a room that can not be identified.
When we step in my breathe gets taken away.
And it's not because of destruction.

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