Chapter 13

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Harris holds my hand then pulls me out the door behind him running down the hall pass our old jail cell.

"We need to get to the elevator. The problem is we are at the lowest floor which is 300 feet underground, level-21. The elevator only goes to floor 10." He says turning a corner.

"How do you know this?"

We reach the elevator and he slams his hand down on the button pointing up.

"When I was younger I came here before and I guess I never forgot it."

The elevator dings open. He peeks his head inside, making sure it's safe then hops in.

"We also need to blend in. Although those sweatpants and T-shirt looks very attractive on you,we need to find some Southern suits."

I bush, then remember what the southern soldiers were wearing when they marched by our jail cell.

"Black jump suits?"

The number above the doors flashed to 18.

"Yep. When we exit this elevator it would be the first door to our right."

I nod my head.

"We stick together, okay?"After the fact that I might of have lost my parents, I am not risking the lose of Harris.

He pulls me close to him, laying his chin on the top of my head.

At that moment I realize I don't want anything else in world, then being here in Harris arms. I have never experience love but I think I might be in love.


Floor 15.

"Get back here." Harris says pushing me against the wall.

"If there is a southern rebel they won't see us at this angle."

He stands next to me holding my hand.

"Ready?" he grins.

"Do I have a choice?"

At that moment the doors swing open. He waits 10 seconds then walked out checking the area. Once it was clear he leads me out.

We stand in a a hallway going left and right with no windows.

Harris pulls me into a door to our right.

He closes the door and fumbles for a light switch. Finally he finds one and flicks it on.

Racks of black suits line the walls. He grabs one for himself then hands one to me, along with a black ski mask.

I slip it on over the clothes I am wearing now, and Harris does the same.

"Let's go there are stairs down the hall going left."

I nod my head, following him like a puppy with no direction. Up the stairs we go, in silence that seems louder than a blow horn.

"Almost to the 4 floor." he whispers under his breathe.

A muffled cry echoes off the walls of the staircase coming from the door labeled 4.

A chill runs down my back. The cry sounds so young, almost my age...

"Harris." I say grabbing his shoulder.


I point at door. "I need to see who that is."

He sighs than smiles lopsided, just like the first time I saw him in the hallway the first night.


We walk through the door and enter a similar hallway as the 10th floor.

The screams seem to be coming from the first door.

"I will stand watch." Harris whispers.

I nod then open the steel door.

I prepare myself to fight any rebels but then remember I am in one of there suits.

The room behind the door is white on all walls and not very big.

In the middle is a chair.

With someone in it.

Who is bleeding.

A Selected.


"Oh my gosh." I rush up to Grants side.

I only time I saw him was taking out a rebel for me. I feel like curling up into a ball, crying for everyone who got sucked into this mess. It's all because of me.

All because of The Selection.

"If your here to ask more questions, your not going to get anything out." Grant says with his eyes closed.

At first I am confused and then I remember the mask.

"Grant it's me." I yank of the mask.

At first he doesn't move,but then he opens his eyes.

"Princess Maple? "

I untie the ropes tied to his hands.

"Don't worry Harris and I are trying to get out of here and we want to help you."

He shakes his head.

"This can't be real."

I look at him confused. "What?"

"They said your dead. The whole royal family is dead."


Hey guys! I just love leaving you on cliff hangers! I have a LoT of ideas so I will be updating a LoT!

I know I always say this but...


Love you all<3

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