Chapter 9

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A clinking noise shakes me awake. I look at the cell door and see a man draped in a dark cape. He swings the door open motioning me forward. I search the cell for Harris, but he is not in here. I step out of the cell following the black cape man down the hallway. We walk for about a mile down a windowless hallway, un till we reached a door labeled

'DONT USE WILL SOUND ALARM.' Sure enough when he opens the door a blaring alarm goes off. He man says something I don't hear, the pushes me through the door, slamming it behind me.

I realize I am outside in a dark forest. I bang on the door, but no one opens up.

"Harris!!! Where are you?" Of course he doesn't come.

Then I hear a uneven breathing on the back of my neck. My head starts screaming run and my legs carry on the order. I run as fast as my body can carry me. The breathing gets closer and I turn around. The creature that is chasing me hiss in the shadows of the trees. I turn fast but bump into a tree. I look up and see its not a tree.

It's Southeren.

He laughs throwing me toward the monster.

I scream my lungs out yelling Harris's name. At some point in the air I start sob/screaming. I can hear something saying my name in the distance...


I snap my head up, banning it against Harris's.

"Ow." Harris says rubbing his forehead.

I try to say sorry but i feel as if i am still in the forest. I rap my arms around my self contaiing my shaking.

"Your crying." He says as if he does everyday.

"Oh I am? I just thought my eyes were sweating.." I sarcastically say.

"You were also screaming my name."

My shaking seems to momentarily stop.

"You keeped on asking were i was." He looks up then stares at me. "Maple, when i was first asigned as your guard i thought 'ok cool, just anoher noraml day with another noraml rich person.'" He run a hair through his hair. I catch a glimpse of a scar under his brown hair. "But when i saw you i knew this wasnt going to be normal."


"Wait. I need to say this. Maple, i will and never would leave you. I may have stated off as your guard but i am not that anymore. I will not let anyone hurt you, not just because i was your gaurd, its because i-" He pauses then takes a deep breath.

"Its beacuse I lo-"

But before he can finish a herd of southeren rebels coming running down the hall soaked in blood.

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