I tried
Yeah I really fucking tried
But you made a liar out of me
I told you I hated country music
Now each time I hear it
I think of you
I told you I hated
PB and J
Yet I have all the ingredients in my fridge
I told you I don't give second chances
That I don't take breaks
But I tried over and over with you
And gave you so many chances
Just for you to walk away
And make a fucking liar
Out of me
And I'd be lying
If I said I didn't still think of you
In the smallest of moments
When I don't want to
Where do I go from here?
PoetryMoving forward isn't easy. I've found myself in life's waiting room. Some days I feel like I'm doing great and other days I feel like I'm waiting for life to begin. Nobody tells you how to be an adult. There is no guide book to falling in love. Al...