Part 3

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Talking with Hiccup was a nice restart to my life. He said his father was a chief on Berk, and he showed me the symbol he had from his home. I recognized it. The pattern was inscribed in the Tome of Trades, and I remembered that I had it tucked away in the cellar before I fled. Four hundred years of knowledge were lost in a single stroke of unfortunate events. I played with Stormfly in the stables, where I spent most of my time. I was stroking a Gronkle when a short, chubby blond boy walked in.

"Who are you?" He jumps back

"I'm Azalea," I said "And I am from the bølgeløper people"

"I've never heard of the Wave Runner people," He asks. I toss him my bracer

"Look at the insignia," I said. He looked at it and tossed it back

"So you're the daughter of the chief," He said. He was a bit more relaxed

"Adopted. My parents got killed in a dragon attack" I slid it back on "And I found out what I can do" I went back to stroking the Gronkle "I speak to dragons in their tongue"

"What?" He asks "Y-You talk to them?"

"Yes" I call out to the Nadder "Scale-kin, this human does not believe me" She reared her head and growled out her response 

"That. Is. So. Amazing" He squeals. "I'm Fishlegs"

"Your dragon speaks highly of you," I say "She thinks you give her too much attention, but she loves it"

"Really?" Fishlegs asks

"I do not jest" I smile, and then a black-haired boy astride a Monstrous Nightmare comes in. He swings down from the saddle and walks past us, a smug look on his face

"Hey Heather, I didn't know you were here-" I turn around and face him "You are not Heather," he says

"Thank you for stating the obvious," I say

"His name is Snotlout. Please tell him the saddle is too heavy, Scale-kin" His dragon clicks  

"So, Snotlout, why such heavy saddle?" I ask

"How do you know my name?" he asks

"Your dragon told me, dumb-dumb" I tug my braid out and start redoing it "So, why do you have such an elaborate saddle?"

"Because it looks cool" he snorts

"But it causes Hookfang there a large amount of difficulty when flying" I snap, then walk over to him and tug off the saddle. He comes and rubs against me. I stroke his head "Scale-kin, is that better?"

"Yes. So much. Thank you" He clicks

"You have such bright scales," I say "They contrast your horns well"

"Thank you, Scale-kin" I realised the others were watching me

"What?" I ask "Does it matter that I'm having a conversation with Hookfang?"

"No. But I never heard somebody speak like that. In the language of the dragons" Fishlegs squeals "Is there any way we could translate it?"

"I only know it because I was born with the skill. But I can try" I smile

And that is how I ended up talking with Fishlegs for the next two hours. I would say a phrase in Dragon, like "Please stop scorching the grass" and he tried to write it down

"Okay, now I need to address how Dragons greet other dragons. They call each other Scale-kin, no matter the difference. But for a Viking, being called Scale-kin is the greatest honour a Viking can receive from the Dragons. And no Viking has ever achieved it" I lied for the last part. 

"The language is so complex. And impossible to pronounce" He says

"Every last detail matters in the dragon language. A higher tone means you're mocking them. A neutral tone is just conversation. Low tones are secrets" I add "And volume too"

"FISHLEGS!" Someone shouts. A blond girl enters "We leave tomorrow. Are you packed?"

"Yes, Astrid, I am packed" Fishlegs huffs "I'm trying to do some important work here with Azalea"

"It's okay, Fishlegs. I covered most of it by now. Getting specific about volume" I shudder "Would take years" I pick myself up, and decide to find a dragon to talk with. I wander over to the stables, and I befriend a small flock of tiny black dragons that are native to the island. They tickle when they buzz their little wings next to me. I miss this, being inside a flock of dragons as they talk amongst themselves. You feel wanted inside one of those. 

I sigh as they fly away, screeching something about a big red dragon who scares them. I blink away a few tears as a splash of salty water crashes into the cliffs, and a fine mist lands on me. It's the perfect time to do it. I haven't done it in ages. I pull a few threads and open large slits in my shirt, on my back, and unfold the large, black and purple wings I keep tucked away.

"Oh, I missed this" I sigh, shaking them open, letting them flex away the stiffness. I walk to the edge of the cliff, spread them as wide as I can, and step off. I wait until I'm a few feet away from the rocks before I flap, rocketing upward "WHOO-HOOO!" I scream, letting my instincts take over and focus on the tiny things. The salt encrusted the rocks, smooth pebbles clinging to the paths. I swoop up and down the cliff, perching on rocks to catch my breath when I need to before I return to the thrill of flying. 

I land with a few hurried steps, and I frame the flock of dragons flying by with my hand, holding it out. I badly wanted to join them, to feel the love of a family again, to feel wanted in a group. But I can only dream so much. 

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