Alt Ending

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Azalea stood at the cliff, staring at the two furies. She knew what had to happen if she was going to stay with Hiccup. 

He stood behind her as she raised her horned head to the sky and screamed a deep call. With each passing second, more dragons joined in her mystical call as an earthquake overtook the island.

A large and frightening eye emerged from the sea, as purple as Azalea's when she was a dragon. Seeing his daughter, the dragon lord shrank into a human, his deep frown directed at his daughter

"Why did you summon me?" He said

"I need to be separate from my dragon side. I can't be both if I want to live here" She stared into his deep gaze, matching him

"If I do this, I cannot undo it. Are you sure, my daughter?" he asked

"I am sure" Azalea nodded. her father held out his rough palm and said a few ancient words. her horns vanished from her head, along with her tail and wings. The silvery light that gathered in the dragon lord's palm, he released to the ground. It turned into the dragon form of Azalea, and now they were separate. Azalea and the dragon shared a nod, making the transfer of the Queenship known. With a few wing strokes, the dragon took to the air with the rest of the dragons.

"I will miss you, my daughter. When you pass on, we shall be reunited" The dragon lord smiled at his daughter, then turned and joined his creations, the dragons.

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