Part 12

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Some suggestive language ahead. Just a warning

Three years later

A figure clad in black dropped onto the warship, a tail whipping behind them. A lone guard turned toward the sound and saw the tall, demonic figure standing a few feet away, their facial features obscured by the darkness that cloaked them.

"Release these dragons, or incur my wrath" They demanded. While the "Demon" spoke, another group was pouring a slick green gel in lines over the deck of the ship.

"DEMON!" the guard screamed. With the ultimatum unfulfilled, the "Demon" Slammed their staff against the wood, and a handful of sparks hit the gel, igniting a bonfire behind them. Dragon screamed from their cages, and with another staff slam, more dragons clawed open the latches on the cells, letting their kin escape with them.

"You have failed. May the depths of Helheim greet you" The "Demon" rode into the air with a few beats of mighty wings, and the group behind them walked through the flames as the flying demon screamed a command into the night air, calling the dragons that were once trapped on this ship to help obliterate it. The "Devil" then turned into a dragon to blow her glittering flame onto the soulless monsters who trapped her kin. 

As the ship sank, no soul was either aboard or alive. The dragons that the "Demon" had called down were ruthless against their captors and had torn the trappers to shreds. A single white dragon, however, had fled at the first traces of brutality and had been re-captured a few hours later.

The second rider in black was flying, looking for the "Demon"

"Where's Azalea?" He asked a rider clad in blue with blond hair

"I think she stayed in dragon form and led them back to Berk" Astrid flung her braid back over her shoulder

"Thanks," Hiccup said, and he rode off toward his home on his black dragon, now outfitted with a tailfin that let him fly on hs own, as Azalea had explained would be best for him.

He walked through the town, stepping over dragon tails as he reached the great hall. He spotted Azalea, coiled up on the dais, her wings spread over dragon babies, holding them close. her head perked up when she saw Hiccup. She gave the babies one last cuddle and then stood, her body shrinking and morphing back into a human. Her emotions, cleverly concealed on her face, were backstabbed by her thrashing tail. Azalea plastered a smile across her sharp features and walked over

"This mission went well," Azalea said and fell into lockstep with Hiccup as he walked toward the soup pot, where a dragon was drifting around. She shot out her withering glare, and the small dragon scampered out of the pot. 

"We rescued quite a few this time" Azalea ladled herself a bowl of soup, then took a seat with the other dragon riders.

"-Settle down and get married," Gobber said. The table froze

"He said the "M" word," Tuffnut said

"Ew" Ruffnut added

"Marriage isn't bad if you find the right person" Azalea piped up "Everyone has a pair. It's just a matter of finding them" Everyone looked at her like she was an alien "I was taught very traditionally"

"What do you mean by that?" Snotlout asked

"It means that from day one, I was taught my only worth was to have children" She snarled "To find the strongest warrior and bear his child, you idiot" Most of the dragons around us turned their heads toward Snotlout and bore their fangs like she was sending a command. Yet she had said nothing to the dragons, and they still rose to attack at her will. Even Hookfang was snarling at Snotlout.

"Uh, Azalea? Can you please...Um...Not do this?" Hiccup squeaks. Her head whips toward him, her eyes pulsing with purple light. It fades, and the dragons go back to normal. Her tail is thrashing everywhere, and she stands up and leaves.

"We now have a very pissed dragon queen," Astrid says "Who gets the job of talking to her?"

Crickets ran across the table.

"Okay then. I vote Hiccup has to do it" Astrid says. Everyone else puts up their hands

"Oh really?" Hiccup groans, then walks out to find her staring out at the thrashing sea.

"Have you ever heard of the Hidden World?" She says

"My dad told a few stories," Hiccup says

"It's calling me" She turns to face him, her horns glistening "The Hidden World is calling out to me-the ancestral lands of the dragons are calling me, and I want to go" Tears fill her eyes

"What do you mean?" he asks

"Hiccup. look at the village. How long can you sustain the notion that we can live together? Berk is too crowded"

"What are you saying?" He raises an eyebrow

"That I take the dragons to the hidden world, and we live separately"

"What? No" Hiccup pleads. The two of them were adults now, and had started a very serious relationship "I don't think I can be far from you"

"We sacrifice our nights together for the good of everyone, Hiccup. One sacrifice, hundreds of positives" She lets tears glide down her face as she shifts from a human to a dragon

"Wait," Hiccup says. Her skin is half the blackness of her scales, and she looks the part of a demon. He wraps his arms around her, and they share a deep and passionate kiss as she finishes transforming into the Dragon Queen she is. With a few beats of her wings, she roars and lets the dragon population come to her in a flock as she flew out of sight and away from her lover

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