Part 8

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We escaped. Azalea flew with me on Toothless when her back got tired from the constant flapping of her wings. As we came back down and landed, Azalea slid away like she always did, vanishing into the shadows. But I stopped her this time.

"Please," I say "Stay"

She smiles "I will" As my father came barreling forward, she shrank a little. My father was a bit intimidating, but she stood her ground and tucked her wings further behind her back, her brown hair blowing softly across her face in the breeze.

"Who are you?" he asks her

"I'm Azalea," She says, then tugs her left bracer off, where her symbol is etched into the leather, and shows him. The official symbol brings down some of the hardness in his face, but he's still on edge

"Why are you here?" He adds

"My home was obliterated by dragons. Hiccup and his Riders saved me before I could join the rest of my people in Valhalla" Azalea keeps her hard facade up as she clips her bracer back on. She's an odd sight, a delicate birch tree of a girl surrounded by large oaks, but she's holding her ground. My father relaxed, and so did she, her wings still carefully tucked away. As Stoik turned to me, Azalea took that moment to fly away. People gasped as she ran and opened her wings, gaining height as she circled.

"You said you wouldn't leave!" I shouted up

"I didn't!" She beamed "I'm just up here instead of down there!" She dove downward, then angled upward in a steep arc. 

"She could always do that?" My father asks

"She talks to dragons too. In the dragon language," As I say, dragons flock out of the stables and join her as she swoops around and toward us in a ring, eventually leading them upward in a great spiral. She's mystical.

"Dad, who's Drago Bludvist?" I ask

"Where did you hear that name?!" He snaps


People stare as I soar above them. Hiccup and his father are having a shouting match, and I shrug it off. The dragons are clamouring for my attention, and I oblige. 

When Hiccup flies off in a furious rage, I follow him as he shouts at the sky and promises Toothless nothing will happen to him

"What has you all wound up?" I barrel roll and sit behind Hiccup

"A lot of things" He sighs. When the clouds ripple beside us, he sits up "Oh, come on dad!" He groans. But it's not his dad, it's another person. And I recognised the dragon they ride...

"DIVE!" I shout. But it's too late. Hiccup has been snatched, and Toothless and I fall through the sky. My wings are tied up behind me, and I scramble to reach the device to control the tail. By the time I do, we've hit the water, and the last time I was in the sea comes flooding back. I swim upward, but by then, I've inhaled water, and the world is sinking into darkness...


"You left my dragon back there! He can't fly on his own, he'll drown!" I shout. My kidnapper remains indifferent as we travel further and further from Toothless, eventually entering a large iceberg, like the one Azalea and I found. 

In a large circle, my kidnapper watches as the dragons approach me. Whipping out my sword, I ignite it and cause a small explosion with Zippleback gas, earning the weary trust of a dragon close to me. My kidnapper shakes their staff, and a dragon drops Toothless next to me, and he curls up around us.

The kidnapper is stroking Toothless's head, and moving toward us in the light of Dragonfire. When they get a closer look at my face, they gasp

"Hiccup?" They say "No, it can't be. After all these years?"

"Should I know you?" I ask

"No, you were only a babe" They tug their helmet off, revealing a caramel braid and a female face "But a mother never forgets"


I open my eyes, expecting the darkness of the water. But instead, I find the warmth of baby dragons, all of them piled around me.

"Scale-kin?" I whisper. All the babies get excited, jumping around and flitting their tiny wings, screaming about how I'm awake, and how happy they are they can play with someone new. I try and sit up, to find one baby has contentedly fallen asleep on my chest. I lift them from me to the ground, relieved of the weight. I stand and take in the magnificent stone pillars around me, the moss growing in playful spirals around it. but there are dragons everywhere, three nests worth. I can hear Hiccup somewhere in the distance, but I'm preoccupied with the vast amount of voices in my head

"It's almost feeding time!"

"The babies are annoying"

"Get the all-new vitamax blender, now in red!"

"Can we try and grab some carp today?"

"it is quite fascinating, isn't it?" A large, owl-like dragon strides forward "All the voices of this many Scale-kin all thrown together"

"It is quite a spectacle" I agreed. I spotted Hiccup talking with our kidnapper, then the huge white dragon dozing in the waters below us. He's so regal, and I know all the Scale-kin here respect him. He raises himself, and I think he's going to Hiccup, but he turns to me. I can feel the weight of his power, how it expands into each and every dragon here and how he is the king.

"Dragon Lord" I bow my head

With a great tremble of the spikes that adore him, he speaks "You need not bow, Dragon-Daughter. I welcome you"

"Thank you, my Lord," I say

"I am not your lord, you are my princess. Your father is the one who rules us all, and his authority extends over to you" He adds

"But-I'm not." I tremble "I'm not a princess, no matter what my father says"

"You cannot deny it. Your father ordered you to be brought here, as soon as Valka had joined us. Two Vikings with souls like a dragon's, yours and hers. The original plans that intended to bring you to my nest were interrupted, and your journey was longer than intended. But it does not matter. Valka found you, without realising she was supposed to bring you and not her son. But you found your way, Dragon-Daughter" He raises himself even further upward "Your father intended for you to find your power here, and not amongst the other Vikings"

"I know my power. The wings, and how I speak to the Scale-kin" I defend myself

"It is only a piece that you have discovered. The rest will reveal themselves, as fate has decided" He gives a great rumbling sigh, and lowers himself back into the water

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