Part 10

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I shot up from my spot with Hiccup and ran to the place of the crash, where his dad was. What was Stoik doing here? I slid into a crevice as he thunders past, grabbing Hiccup. Gobber is behind him, and I slink further from them as I escape to find Valka. She'll want to know her husband is kidnapping her son back. I find her gathering water from a dripping icicle.

"Valka" I whisper "Stoik's here with Gobber to get Hiccup" She freezes, and I duck back into the shadows as they argue, and I slide toward the exit and escape. I can't hand Vikings other than Hiccup right now. Curling up in a ball, I escape this world and fall asleep.

"You found the nest, little one" my father stands before me "But you still deny your powers from growing beyond what you believe" He rumbles with irritation

"I don't want to grow beyond what I have!" I shout "I can't!"

"You have more potential than you see, little one" A gargantuan claw points to my chest "It is all there, waiting to be used"

I wake up when more shaking ensues, and I see the king has vacated the premises. I open my wings and find my father must have healed them or something because the gaping holes are mended. I fly out, and the carnage I see is horrific. Two Alpha species are fighting, and armoured dragons and Valka's nest brood are battling. Taking off, I go to talk some sense into the Alpha that's attacking.

"What's happening? Why are you attacking these Scale-kin?" I scream

"I AM SUPERIOR!" The attacker shouted, "HE IS WEAK AND UNWORTHY!"

"That was very direct. But is this the best thing for any of your subjects? Letting them fall under the abuse of Drago? It would be even nobler of you to fight Drago, and save your subjects?" I ask "Drago put you up to this, it would be a better idea to stomp him flat and build yourself a gigantic nest with your subjects, so you can be the great king everyone thinks you are?"

"That would be a better idea, baby Queen. But I cannot take orders from you. I take them from Drago!" He rears up and stabs the other Alpha, rendering him dead. There was so much blood, it looked like a massacre.

"NO!" I cried out, but the Alpha was already declaring his dominance, and then I heard the blast, and Valka's screams...

I flew as fast as I could, but I was already too late. Stoik was dead, by Toothless's blast. Hiccup was shouting, and Toothless was going to fly away. I caught him first and extracted the truth just before he fell completely under the Alpha. After his roar, I could feel the nagging voice in the back of my head, egging me on to join them. I swooped down

"I'm sorry Hiccup. If I hadn't been so caught up with the Alpha, I could have stopped this" I sob, and the hot tears pour down my face and dribble down my dress "This is my fault. I could have tried harder. Flown faster. Anything. It's all my fault"

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