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Five years later

A lone ship floated through the waves, approaching the thunderous waterfall. A black dragon pricks her head up as the ship draws nearer. taking off, the ebony dragon landed softly, then turned into a woman with brown hair. The three baby dragons landed beside their mother and turned too, into humans. They shared the same vibrant green eyes with their father, and they had their mother's power and brown hair. The man touched her face, and she gripped his hand as another black dragon landed on the ship, demanding the man's attention.

"It has to be now," The woman says "It has to be today, or they'll turn into a dragon completely and stay that way"

"It will be today" the man agrees, letting his children climb onto Toothless "I'll take them to Berk so that they can meet our-my people"

"Daddy!" the youngest clapped "DADDY! Do we get to go with you?" He smiled. Hiccup's only son smiled from atop Toothless.

"You get to come with me" Hiccup smiles

"Is mom coming with?" the oldest asks

"No, I'm not, darling. I have my duties here" Azalea smiles and kisses the top of her daughter's head "But when you have lived for 20 winters, I will come" 

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