Part 11

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Azalea blames herself throughout the funeral. But she fired her arrow precisely, and my father's ship burned. She was weeping through, the tears flowing freely. She wrapped her wings around herself, hid behind a rock, and bawled. We could hear her the whole time

"Dang. Who knew?" Snotlout frowned

"Who knew what?" Astrid scowls 

"That the person who can fly and talk to dragons, for Odin's sake, is a big softy?" He says

"Cut her some slack. She thinks it's her fault for not stopping the Alpha" I defend. Valka stands beside me.


They talk about how they will go back to Berk and save everything, yadda yadda, and I plan to stay behind. How can help? Try talking to him again. Hiccup comes by

"We're going to leave on the babies. Are you coming?" He asked

"No. I ruined enough lives already" I sniff

"You haven't ruined anything. It was Drago's fault" He says

"But I still messed up. Dragon scales can absorb or reflect most blasts. If I were there, your father wouldn't be dead" I slump my shoulders

"You tried to protect us with diplomacy, Azalea. I won't forget that" He smiles "Come with us"

I end up going. They needed someone to convince the babies. I swoop alongside them, calling encouragement to a startled Eret.

"Amatuer" Snotlout snorts. I ram into him 

"He's doing his best," I say "Put yourself in his position"

"So what's the plan?" Astrid calls

"Try not to die?" I suggest

"Go in, get the dragons back and defeat Drago," Hiccup says. I roll my eyes and to a barrel roll, dipping toward the water before I swoop up.

"That is a bad plan," I say "Let's do it"

When we arrived, I decided that I was going to kick Drago off his fancy Alpha and feed him alive to a horde of Scaldrons, a quick and painless death, right? Hiccup is getting close to Toothless, trying to win him back. It does work and more chaos ensues for the fight. 

"It's over Drago!" Hiccup shouts, and tosses his flaming sword to be sure he doesn't reach his stupid stick. I swoop down and land a bit further away as I try to entice dragons down to me and away from the Alpha. I spot Drago's wicked grin and the Alpha rising behind him...

"NO!" I leap in front of Hiccup as the ice comes down on top of us


As the ice formed around Azalea and Hiccup, everyone wailed in despair. A few minutes later, the ice crackled and broke as a gigantic form rose from it, ebony black. A dragon rose from the breaking ice, each plated scale on the underside a deep, royal purple in stark contrast with the black top. The paws were the size of houses, and the tail had a great feathered tip. (If I did a bad job explaining, it's the cover photo)

With each step, the earth shook. Her eye was taller than two men, and when she roared at the Alpha, she showed endless rows of swordlike teeth. The Alpha roared to accept her challenge, and Azalea opened her mouth as her chest glowed, a firey line that travels up her neck and into her mouth, and out in a deadly ark of glittering flame over the reigning Alpha. She then brought down her claws, each point sharp enough to cut stone in half, apon her unfortunate foe. She tore his tusk clean off, and he roared his defeat as he fled from her. She turned her head up and screamed her victory.

An unfortunate Hiccup watched and trembled as Azalea declared her dominance and the flocks of smaller dragons joined in. Once Azalea had finished with her roar, she trembled, then shrank back down into a human and tumbled down through the sky. Stormfly, who was making her way down to Astrid, caught Azalea and brought her down too. In her few minutes of being a dragon, sh head drastically changed. Her wings were larger and deeper, a tail protruded from her back, and two-foot-long horns emerged from her temples, black at the base with purplish tips.

"My head feels heavy" She groans and leans on Stormfly, who chittered out a response. Her tail flicked against the ground, and she realised she had one. Then she felt her horns, and her face widened in pure undiluted shock "What in Helheim happened?"

"Y-you turned into a dragon," Hiccup said "After we got hit with the ice"

"I did?" She asked, then coughed up a spluttering of fire. Cloudjumper then dipped his head to her, as did the rest of the dragons. She called out a question in the dragon language and was answered with a chorus of the same message 

"You are the Queen now"

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