Part 7

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When the moon reached the middle of the inky sky, Hiccup moved back into his bedroll, and I curled up in the grass, watching the stars flex in and out of the constellations. I tuck my hands beneath my head like a pillow and lay back, closing my eyes and breathing in the calm stillness of the night. As I sink into the soft, endless cloth of sleep, I smile at the soft snores of Hiccup Haddock the 3rd.

A huge dragon with midnight black scales opened a large amethyst eye, taller than me.

"At last, you came," It says. In perfect Norse.

"W-Who are you?" I ask

"I am many things, little one" It lifts a huge paw, and opens it, palm up "As you are two in the same, little one. Find what you truly must do"

"How do you know me?" I say

"I've been watching you, little one, since infancy. I sent the flock that took you to the place you believed was your home. But your true memories are awakening. You are growing into your power, little one" He stands up, and he's bigger than the entirety of the island of Berk, the scales on his chest and abdomen deep purple, and cracked like it was stretched out. "That is to be expected of you, Dragon-Daughter. It is not often I find myself in love with a mortal like your mother"

I shoot awake, my chest heaving with endless, quick pants. That dragon is my father? Standing up, I walk through the woods and sit on a fallen log, letting my head fall into my hands. The sun is peeping up, so I flex my wings, and take off, shooting into the clouds. I rolled my shoulders as the air got thinner and thinner. As I fell, I opened my wings like a parachute a few feet above the treeline. I drop onto the ground as Hiccup sits up.

"Hiccup, c'mon. We gotta get back to town" I shake his shoulders. His hair is sticking up in every direction

"Okay," He murmurs, then immediately runs his hand through his hair. I get a handful of water and toss it on him. "HEY!" He gets up and runs after me. I take off laughing into the woods. I jump over a stump and duck into a shrub, sliding across the ground. I come out of the woods and find a cliffside, the water throwing itself against the rocks mercilessly. I heard Hiccup crashing through the woods behind me, so I decide to cheat. I open my wings and take off, but as I rise a few feet above the grassy outcrop, I fall again and clutch my head, where a stabbing pain is jabbing out of my forehead, a dull knife being pressed from my skull out into my skin. I just sit on the grass, waiting out this headache. "Are you okay?" Hiccup asks

"Just a headache," I pull myself up "Let's go" 

Hiccup climbs back in through his window, and I take a seat in a tree and watch the sun rise above the sea. A few folks are walking around, and there are lots of dragons walking up for hunting. I bid them all good morning as they fly on by, and I join them eventually, my wings taking me higher and higher as I push the blue vastness of the sky to its limits


I toss and turn. As soon as my father is ready to take the news I can tell him we found a girl who has wings. I look out the window and see her flying with the morning hunt, twirling in the air like a dancer suspended in strings. She was too gracefully as she floated around, a feather caught in a strong wind. I gave up and went to the stables to find Toothless.

I ended up flying off in search of new dragons. I found a new series of tiny islands, and I was drawing them.

"What drew you here?" Azalea drops to the ground beside me

"What do you mean?" I ask

"What drives you? What makes you fly so far and hunt so hard?" She stares off into the distance

"I would say something soulfully deep, but I don't know" I put my pencil down

"That's a good answer. Not knowing what you're searching for can show you something you wanted without knowing you wanted" Azalea picks up my pencil and sketches the nearest island with perfect accuracy. "I can draw, but I can't do many other "Thinking arts" instead"

"That doesn't matter," I say 

"It does though" Azalea groaned "I met my dad"

"Dad? But he's dead" I add

"Nope. He's a dragon whose bigger than the entirety of the island of Berk who fell in love with a Viking who was my mother, then I got kidnapped by a flock of dragons and taken to the island I thought was home" Azalea flumped over onto the stones next to me "Life is complicated"

"Talk about dad issues" I mumble

"I know right?" Azalea groans. I draw more, and we eventually take off again, 

We end up finding a huge iceberg, jagged towers of blue ice spiralling into the air

"I have a bad feeling about this," Azalea says

"I do too. Let's check it out"

That was the biggest mistake of my life.

As we circled the iceberg, Azalea started to shout something as a net overtook her wings. She crashed into the boards of the ship that had shot her, and they tied her wings behind her back and bound her wrists. Toothless and I landed down on the ship, and I slit the bonds on Azalea's hands

"Well well, it's our lucky day! I don't think Drago's got one of those in his dragon army" A tall man said. I would have remarked, but Azalea acted first, leaping at him with a punch to the jaw

"MURDERER!" She screamed, "TORTURE OF SCALE-KIN IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH!" She continued her onslaught of punches until she came to a stop, panting out fast breaths.

"WTF?" The man asked.

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