The flight to Australia

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"But I don't want to fly 18 hours to Australia!" I told Alexis while I messily threw things into my bag. 

"Well you kind of don't have a choice honey" She said while she rearranged the things I threw in my bag. 

"18 hours. What the fuck am I supposed to do in all that time? I mean it's more than half a day!" I said while my brain scanned of things to do on the trip over. Alexis laughed and I glared at her before throwing her my bra. 

"Hey!" She said and threw it back. "I'm serious" I said and huffed. 

The Saudi Arabian Grand-prix was not a flop at all, but I am still mad at the fact that I missed out on more points for more than 10 seconds Lewis managed to get on me. I started P12 and moved on to P11, not bad but I could have done so much better if I wasn't going against hamilton in a shitty mercedes. 

"Well you could always sleep" Alex said as we tried to close the massive suitcase I had on me, more than 4 weeks away from home meant I brought my whole ass closet with me. 

"You know I can't sleep on planes. Remember when we had that 20 hour flight from Singapore to Geneva? I didn't sleep a wink on that" I said and she nodded. "That 's right. Well you're just going to have to suffer then" She said and I fake laughed. "At least we're flying private this time" She said and I smiled. 

"Yes, thank you god every day for Charles leclerc and having a partnership with a jet company" I said with my palms pointed at the sky. "I mean it was pretty nice of him to invite us on the plane, and very suspicious too" Alexis said with a smirk on her face. 

She has been trying to get me to flirt back with charles because she says he is 'Incredibly into me' even though I have told her one thousand times she has a girlfriend but her response is 'If that girlfriend made him happy he would not be flirting with you girl' It started to become annoying. 

"We're not the only ones flying with him, Carlos, Lando, Daniel and Pierre are coming too" I added but she only laughed. "Yet he still invited you too" She said and started to walk out of the door. 

"See you downstairs in 10, we gotta be in the airport in 40 minutes" She said and walked out leaving me in the darkness of my room at 4 in the morning. 

There was nothing more I wanted than to throw myself back in the bed and get 10 more minutes of sleep. Whose idea was it even to fly the Monday after the race? Charles' of course. 

We have become close over the past month, we went out to eat a few times with some other people but there was always this weird chemistry between us and that also made me wonder sometimes. I saw him with his girlfriend in Jeddah and he was completely different around me when she was present, he barely even looked at me. 

And I know it's because of jealousy and so but I mean, if your girlfriend doesn't have enough trust in you to have girl-friends there's something wrong there my friend.

 After zoning out thinking about that for a moment I shook my head and grabbed my bigass suitcase, my backpack and my phone and headed out of the room to the Lobby where I was going to meet the other drivers that were flying out with us. I swear I almost fell asleep on the elevator if it wouldn't have been for the loud ding that announced to me we were at the lobby.

 I rolled my bag out of the elevator and immediately crossed glances with Charles who smiled and walked towards me. See? completely different person. 

"Good morning, Len" he said and I smiled sleepily . Len, he called me out of nowhere one day and I never complained but it did weird me out a little. 

"Morning Chuck" I said smiling. Chuck was my nickname for him, I took it out of Brooklyn 99 but no one has to know that. 

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