2022 Monaco Grand Prix

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A/N: Reminder that italics are German! 


The world-renowned Monaco Grand prix. 

Class, glamour, cool cars, rich people and sea-side race. I loved it here, easily one of the best races of the calendar. 

Even though in Barcelona I DNF'd again I came to monaco with the mindset of just letting it go. Nothing good comes from focusing on the past.

That's not Charles' take on it though. 

He DNF'd too and he was insufferable that night I went to see him, in such a bad mood I had to leave. 

Squawking about the power unit and how the team and blah blah blah. Not that I didn't care, well I didn't care so I told him to call me when he was ready to stop squawking and left. 

He called me 20 minutes later and we fell asleep together in his bed.

Now I was walking through the paddock next to John now with a big smile on my face. 

My parents were here, I was dating someone incredibly handsome and the weather was just so nice. 

Everything was just going right for me. 

I entered the media building just as Charles was coming out and he sent me a wink which made me blush, the effect he has on me is amazing, and I went inside the room with big lights and many people. 

My team for today's conference was not bad, 

Yuki, Checo, George and Latifi. 

I got along with everyone except for Latifi so it was nice. 

I sat down taking a sip of my water and opening Instagram shortly until George came over and I said hello to him. 

"Hello George" I said, hugging him shortly. 

"Hello Lena, ready for the weekend?" He asked and I nodded smiling. 

"You?" I asked and he nodded too, taking his seat manspreading. 

That's probably one of my few ick's about being around men all the time. 

They were always manspreading and I just didn't like it, unless it was Charles because he looked hot doing it. 

That's just my take on it. 

"Everyone, welcome to the press conference ahead of the 2022 Formula One Monaco Grand prix" Ted started and I slid a little in my seat to get more comfortable. 

"Checo, we're starting with you. Can we start by talking about the challenges of this race track? It's one of extremes, and you've experienced every emotion going here. You've crashed, you finished on the podium. Just can you explain the challenges of this Monaco track? And why those challenges make the rewards that much sweeter?" Ted said and I zoned out. 

Sitting here for 30 minutes and most of those minutes listening to questions is not fun. I don't care what anyone thinks. 

"Thank you, best of luck to you. Lena, let's come to you, you're first Monaco Grand Prix. How are you feeling? Nervous, excited, just give us a little insight?" He asked and I picked up the microphone.

 "I'm excited I'm not even going to lie to you. Obviously it's only one of my first times in the streets so even though I spent my time barely avoiding walls I think this time we have a more exciting Graph ahead of us. I am going into Saturday-Sunday definitely more relaxed than I thought. Not confident but relaxed. And just trying to maximize my time in the circuit of course" I said with a big fat smile on my face. 

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