Summer break

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"I can't believe I agreed to come with you all the way to Australia" Charles said as he dragged both of our suitcases through LAX. 

"Maybe it's because you love me" I said walking next to Daniel as he laughed. 

"So flights leave at 11:00PM and right now it's 8:30 I think after we check our bags we should go get some food. There's an in and out somewhere here" Daniel said as we got in line with American airlines. 

"So after the Sydney flight there's another one to Perth right?" Charles asked and Daniel nodded, checking his phone. 

"We arrive in sydney at 8:20 AM and the flight to perth leaves at 11 AM and it's a five hour flight" He said as if it was nothing but I was suffering.

 I slept the whole day thank god but I don't know if I can make it 25 hours without sleeping. 

I have Charles with me and we are traveling first class but I still cannot sleep on airplanes. Now that I have found out it was because of my anxiety so maybe the pill will help. I haven't traveled with them so it'll be a nice experiment. 

We checked our bags and got our boarding passes and headed to the lounge to get something to eat. The passport line was actually quite small for it to be LAX. We only spent like 20 minutes making the line and got through quite quickly. 

"So we can go to a lounge or find some fast food" Daniel said, and I looked at Charles as he joined our hands and we walked together.

 "I think a lounge no? I mean we still have like 2 hours left for the plane to go and we could get comfortable" I said and both of them nodded. We got to the lounge, checked in and grabbed some food. 

"I heard Pierre cheated on Kat" I asked Charles while we served food as Daniel searched for a table. 

"Who told you that?" He said in a kind of an upset voice. 

"Valtteri. He said Lewis told him" I said and he sighed. 

"It 's true. I told him not to,  it wasn't fair to kat. They were together for like 2 years and then he went and did that. She was devastated" Charles said and I sighed as my thoughts got the best of me. 

What if he cheated on me too? He basically cheated on Charlotte and they were together for like 2 years too and then I came in and just basically stole him from her. 

"I can basically see your thoughts racing. I won't cheat on you" He said and grabbed my arm as I grabbed a few sandwiches for all of us. 

"You better fucking not or you'll have the whole paddock after you" I said without looking at him and went to sit with Daniel. 

"So are you ready to see Ava?" Daniel asked and I smiled brightly. Ava was the light of my world. She was such a sweet little child and the best thing about today is that she didn't know I was going to go visit her. Aliah is going to pick us up while Daniel's parents take care of Ava in his ranch. I've only been to Melbourne so it's going to be nice to see where Daniel grew up. 

"I'm so fucking excited. I genuinely don't know who's more excited if me or you" I said and took a bite out of my croissant. 

"Me 100%. I'm trying to get Aliah to come for the Austin GP. She doesn't want to though" He said and sighed. 

I knew why she didn't want to go. 

She didn't want anything to happen to Ava, she was scared of the states and as any mother would she didn't want to put her child in that kind of danger. Also the added bonus that the media didn't know about them and she didn't want them to find out just yet. Which I also got but I don't know why she doesn't want to tell Daniel. 

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