Chapter 18 ~ Give People What They Need, Not What You Think They Ought to Want

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On my arriving home late that afternoon, Enjolras raised an eyebrow at the boxes Courfeyrac was carrying for me, but didn't say anything about it. Courfeyrac didn't stay long, remaining only to exchange pleasantries with Enjolras and to set the boxes and the package containing my dress down by the bed. As I sat on the bed, removing my boots and jacket, Enjolras came over, and asked if the afternoon had been a success.

"I think so," I replied. "I like Musichetta - I can't believe we've never been introduced before! And I now have some shoes that are slightly more suitable for dancing in than these ones." I gestured to my boots.

"What - one in each box? I didn't know that's how they sold ladies shoes these days," he said, dryly.

"No! Both shoes are in one box!"

"So you have two pairs of shoes?"

"No! Look - the larger box is a hat box! I have a bonnet now, too."

"May I see?"

"Perhaps. That depends on whether or not I feel inclined to show you now, or to make you wait until the ball."

"And if I don't come to the ball?"

"Even if you don't come - I'll still have to get dressed here. But do please say you'll come to the ball."

"I can't say it's the sort of thing I'm much inclined towards. I'm more than happy to facilitate your going, if it makes you happy, but, well..."

"Why would you not wish to come? Don't say you can't dance!"

"Of course I can dance! My mother made certain of it." At this, he sounded somewhat bitter. He rarely mentioned his parents, or any of his family for that matter, and it wasn't a subject either of us seemed to have many good feelings towards.

"I should like it if you were to come with me," I said quietly. "But if you'd rather not, I'm sure I can have someone else to escort me. Courfeyrac, or Jehan - "

"Or Grantaire?" There was a sharpness in his tone that hadn't been there before.

"Or Grantaire. Though I know you have little fondness for him."

"I think I have no fondness for him at all. And yet you seem to spend all your time with him. Every day this week..."

"What of it?"

"What of it? Lis - anyone would think - well, it's hardly - "

"You don't seriously mean...? Good God, you can't mean to say that you think - "

He turned away, looking out of the window. "I don't know what to think! All I know is that every morning you disappear off with him, and only reappear again at the Musain in the evenings. He's now taken to reading love poetry with Jehan - God knows why, and somehow you have the money to pay for new shoes, and a bonnet, and..."

"I'm not in love with him, if that's what you're worried about. And he's not in love with me, neither."

"You think I'm jealous?"

"It's certainly coming across that way."

"How do you know he doesn't love you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Because it's obvious to everyone, except you, apparently, that the only person he has eyes for is you. He adores you."

Enjolras turned back towards me, staring. "Me?"

"And I can hardly say I blame him. But the disappearing off every day - it's not for some kind of love tryst. He's been teaching me how to fight. In case - in case anything happens again. I told you last time you brought this up that I'd had half an idea and wanted to wait for it to get somewhat further before telling you. I wanted to be able to use a singlestick and sword somewhat more competently before telling you, so that you wouldn't worry."

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