"Will you move in with me?"

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Amber's P.O.V.

"Hey I'm here" Luke said walking next to me.

I hugged Luke again. Hugging him tight.

"Hey calm down, I'm here" He said, chuckling a bit

We pulled apart our hug and I kissed him.

"I love you" I murmured into the kiss.

"I love you too Amber" He said to me, not breaking the kiss.

I moved my tongue and asked for entrance and he gladly accepted. We were full on making out now. Luke pulled away.

"Will you move in with me?" He asked.

I though about it for a split second

"Yes!" I screamed.

"That's amazing!" He said astonished.

"And Amber, would you be my girlfriend?" He also asked, and me replying yes happily.

We made out again, and Luke started pulling up my shirt.

"No Luke, the guys are downstairs, and so is Tris" I said pulling his hands away.

"Fine... party pooper" He frowned. We walked downstairs to see my parents unloading groceries.

"Amber!" They yelled, running over to me and giving me hugs.

"We would have come get you but we were out grocery shopping and we wanted you to be with your friends" Clarissa said.

(Remember she now calls her adoptive mum by her real name which is Clarissa)

"And we wanted you to be with your friends and boyfriend" Clarissa said smiling.

"Hey guys, guess what?" I asked happily.

I heard a bunch of whats.

"Luke asked me to move in with him!" I said happily.

"Luke, we need to talk about this" Andrew said.

(Andrew is her adoptive dad)

"Don't worry Mr.Hudson, I already talked to him about it, and if he breaks my little sisters heart I will break him, even though he is like my brother and my bandmate." Ashton said patting Andrew on the shoulder.

"Okay fine. Have you found a place to stay together?" He asked us.

"Not yet, but I think I know a very good place" Luke said smiling again.

"How about you kids go get frozen yogurt? Tell the manager your mom is Clarissa and she will get you it free and with a discount if you want to pay, she is one of my close friends from college" Clarissa said. After they finished putting away like 2 more things, both my parents went upstairs to their room.

Tris ran to me and we started squealing and jumping up and down.

"OMFG!!" Tris screamed. We stopped jumping and she hugged me.

"You are the most luckiest girl in the world" she said pulling out of our hug.

"Aww thanks, I feel like I am" I said happily.

Michael went behind Tris and hugged her from behind, resting his head on her shoulder.

"I'm gonna go get frozen yogurt" I said grabbing my purse and slipping on my shoes.

I walked out and opened the car door and sat down. I looked at the door, and saw everyone running out to the car.

Luke grabbed the car door handle but so did Calum.

Big Brother Irwin // 5SOS (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now