Zyon Kent

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Name: Zyon Sommers Kent

Nicknames: Zy

Zoe (Caroline)

Superboy (Jenna)

Age: 16

Birthday: May 15, 1993

Species: Kryptonian-Human (Hybrid)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue (Light blue; entire eyes: when using powers)

Cast: Froy Gutierrez

Cast: Froy Gutierrez

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Family and Relationships

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Family and Relationships

Jenna Sommers (Mother)

Clark Kent (Estranged Father)

Miranda Sommers-Gilbert (Maternal Aunt)

Elena Gilbert (Adoptive Maternal Cousin)

Jeremy Gilbert (Maternal Cousin)

Jor-El (Paternal Grandfather)

Lara Lor-Van (Paternal Grandmother)

Alura Zor-El (Paternal Aunt)

Zor El (Paternal Uncle)

Kara Danvers/ Kara Zor-El (Paternal Cousin)


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