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Name: November Labonair

Nicknames: Nova (Most) Super Nova, Baby, Star Child (Damon) Cutie Pie (Caroline)

Titles: The Immortal Witch

Age: 1500+

Birthday: 500 A.D.

Species: Human (Witch;formerly) Immortal (Witch;Currently)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Cast: Tom Holland

Family and Relationships

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Family and Relationships

Unnamed Mother

Unnamed Father

Inadu Labonair (Older Twin Sister)

Hayley Marshall (Descendant)


500 A.D.

Born to a tribe of Native American witches, the Elders bestowed Inadu and November with great power throughout their mother's pregnancy, in hopes of them becoming symbols of prosperity. However, when she was born, Inadu only craved more power and killed members of her own tribe. Her tribe, fearful of her actions, sought to kill her. November, however, was the complete opposite of his older twin. He craved peace and was satisfied with the power he had.

Four of the tribe's strongest elders, each, imbued a part of their magic into a mighty ax before having November and Inadu's own mother kill her only daughter with the weapon. In her last moments, Inadu cast a final spell, empowered by her own death, and created the werewolf curse and bound all those present to the full moon. However, November's magic consumed the curse and cleansed his very being of it. This curse forced them to change into the very beasts that were used to hunt her down. This ultimately began the seven original bloodlines of werewolves with their mother being the first Crescent.


The sarcastic mean boy with a heart of gold. November puts on a tough exterior but secretly has a soft spot towards helping people. November's nature allows to always find joy in little things around him, even if that little something is murder or picking a flower. He's not afraid to be himself, even if it means that it sets him apart from the group. 

November easily establishes stong connections with people. despite sometimes seeming aloof and sarcastic.

November is a headstrong, passionate man who is used to getting what he wants, attaining it at all costs. His high intelligence only makes him all the more dangerous, as he would often disregard his own safety (as well as those of others) to reach his goals. Despite his ambition, he is a very kind and caring person.

Some might call it pure stubbornness-- and they wouldn't be exactly wrong-- but November prefers to think of himself as determined. Driven. Feisty. He doesn't take crap from anyone, and when he has something to say he is not afraid to speak up. November might know when he is beaten, but he doesn't know when to stay down and give up.

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