-0- "Love"

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- Oh my useless little boy.. - Iron Fan said, grabbing her son by his face. - Me and your father decided to teach you something more about this world, okay? - She crossed her arms.

- Um.. okay mother. - Red son said, already confused and scared what his parents will tell him again.

- Listen. If someone.. anyone, ever tells you they "Love" you, you know what to do? - Princess said letting go of Reds face.

- I.. I don't know.. what this means, Mother..

- I know. - She sighed.

- Listen. - Demon Bull King cut in the conversation. - When somebody says they "Love you", it means they think you're pathetic, and useless. They think you're worth nothing and not trying. You should never let anyone tell you they love you. You should never have friends, because you can't trust anyone in this world.

- ... Yes, father. - He gulped.

- Good.

Red son left the room to do his work.
And he knew one thing.

He'll never let anyone tell him that.


Alright guys, future Keiko here (currently I am writing chapter 14), and few words..
I will redo them all when I finish the fanfiction, but for now they'll stay cringe.. so please stay at least untill you get to the good chapters that like- start on chap 8.. it gets good there.
I promise the first chapters are really short, and from 8 they get a lot longer and better.

215 words

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