Bullying, depression, mental health and haters

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Within this board, particularly this particular batch of topics, bullying mental health, depression, and haters. This is talking about how you were supposed to be creative and how you're supposed to be able to help yourself out of the hole. If you were to more or less say it that way. The one thing my mother taught me on the Insane Clown Posse has taught me that you cannot stay angry too long it's not good for you and it can cause a lot of problems in the long run particularly drugs and alcohol and smoking. If you want to be creative it's the best way to get out of the depression or whatever funk you are in right now because that is the only way that's going to help my mother had taught me how to be creative at four years old and I have been down with a clown since I was six years old, I believe that this is what helps society is creativity whether be clown make up or just make up or art or photography your tattoo design this is what's going to help you through your life. This is what's going to help you enjoy life and matters is to be creative and enhance life. I find that if you feel sorry for yourself that you were going to be more or less not feeling the best in a long road and you'll end up ruining your life in the long run as well with drugs, alcohol and  smoke. Trying to read some thing and see what comes out of it. You may want to draw or go out a tattoo about something you have written or read. Try reading, writing, art photography, music or something to that effect, but do not go around feeling sorry for yourself and carry her self in all the way. That's what the Insane Clown Posse has taught me or that's how I have an interpreter of their music. Instead, we should be able to be happy and healthy. If we have mental problems or have depression say something right away no matter how hard it is it's the same thing with the airports and the actual security or safety of yourself see something or feel something that's unusual say something right away. I find that creativity is a way of saying something that needs to be said in the first place, creativity is what helps you feel better in the long run also crystals are pretty good if you carry around crystals or where crystals are on your person that you're actually going to be a in the long run a lot better than just taking medication. I have been wearing crystals for the past almost 12 years and I have been taken off my meds last month and will be taken off my meds again for the next month to see how that turns out. It turns out that if you were more holistic stuff like creativity and crystals you're gonna be most likely to be succeeding in life, and will be able to follow the steps of the Insane Clown Posse. It's important to God, feel sorry for yourself. Do you feel the emotion and feel important emotions at the time but don't feel them for too long because that you feel sorry for yourself. What I have been told is that no matter how crappy something is that there is always good in it no matter what. Even if it's the worst thing in the world, or the best thing in the planet is always good no matter how small or big it is. Be thankful you're alive and that you're around to be happy. I find that with metal illness, alcohol drugs, and smoking happen to make things a lot worse in the long run and may cause more severe mental problems or anything else as well as if you drink or do drugs or smoke you're most likely to neglect the ones you love and more less McLachlan was that you care about also money is not supposed to be an issue. Even if you are, the poor body is not something that is supposed to be a big part of your life because that is the root of all evil is money. If you want to get a job, that's fine to get a little extra spending money that would be good, but I wouldn't make it the focal point of your life. Because money will cause a corruption to the soul I find that is. And I'm not joking as the other day I had to be quiet just out of a certain nephew, so I figure that buddy should not be mentioned at all Aidans taboo. If you want to do something you love do it because you love it don't do it to me call Rich instead if you become famous or rich, that is a side effect but should not be the focal point of wire on this planet. We are only on this planet to survive and we happy and I actually help each other out. I don't think they were actually supposed to be greedy or anything for that matter. That causes PTSD because it is a form of ignorance. As you go on thinking about money or thinking about things that are materialistic, it corrupts the soul and causes ignorance which can cause war terrorism, and even PTSD. Eventually, that is the end result is PTSD. Why do you are dealing with ignorant people what are you doing February people you're dealing with people who could be the next whatever they can cause problems and they can cause a lot of issues for you as well as other people around you think about this what are you doing drugs or alcohol? You're actually causing more pain not trust yourself or to the  ones around or you. It is a lingering thing to go through this addiction and it is something I would not recommend going through addiction should be something that is more healthy like art, photography, reading, writing, and whatever else you do like my addictions are stargazing and coffee coffee is the only chemical addiction. I go through at time to time with us to keep myself awake and creative. Instead, let's try not to be as too dependent on chemicals cause I can affect other people around us. I find that if we actually help ourselves by being creative and very helpful to one another that this will help each other in the long run. If there is more correlation of the world gonna be less mental illnesses, particularly PTSD and we can be able to get along a lot easier. PTSD is a form of suffering. I find any button with me. I found it to be a gift, as well as a Perth. As I have been able to not feel sorry for myself, because that would affect the other people around me instead, I was creative and helpful and being able to keep myself busy with something that is important to do something creative and constructive with your anger.

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