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The most important form of love and friendship that is important to deal with in the first place with our friendship in charge of water is love in the first place. I say this word meaning, and consideration because it it's important to have friends before you end up becoming whatever else is more before friends it's important to actually find the time to have friends..... because friendship is voice gonna have your back on when you break up if you end up losing out on the relationship, at least you'll still have the friendship if you can still be considerate and civil to each other. I was not lucky enough with any of my actions to be civil with each other because you're not that element of friendship some thing I wish I would've developed at the first moment of the time when they said I like you or something I wish I would've said let's just be friends first and then see what happens but as I said you get a hold, are you learn more at the end up becoming more intelligent.
Love can be a good thing or I can be a curse. It depends on if you see one of the red flags are in the first place around flags are the things are going to warn you if someone or your friends are going to warn you about someone being horrible in the first place. Trust your instincts, and trust your Homies first , I would not suggest staying in an abusive relationship as soon as the first red flag comes in because I remember being in an abusive relationship since the time of being with Brian Werner, who was a horrible person.
If you do not have the right knowledge of the red flags like drugs, alcohol, controlling behavior, another horrible things, look them up to see what they are. I know if they are actually, my dad is my secret OK I'll spell ads important to know when they say the right things at the right time or they give you too many gifts if there's drugs and alcohol involved, controlling behaviour and kind of mauled you into something or something like that and that is something, you may want to be concerned about in the first place. I was lucky I knew what the red flags were one my friend, Jon told me about how an idiot he was my ex Brian that is and I was able to become a strong, independent female, and a strong independent feminist at the same time as it is important to go through with life is that it's important not to let the office it sucks the mail actually control you because that shows that you are weak and that you cannot control yourself. If you're able to stand your own grounding, a relationship and find that you're able to say what you have to say and be able to mean it in the first place, and they cannot undermined you in the first place to begin with. I was not a weed person, but I was not as stubborn as I was when I am now. I would suggest if you go in and consider going into a relationship with the opposite sex, or even the same sex, that you would find a way to actually read up on relationships and see what it means to be in a relationship and see what happens and what to look for when things start going wrong. I was lucky to have my friend Jonathan to help me with the actual detecting of the red flags.
It's also important to have friends over on as a good support system of your own not just the actual dating person but also the other friends and also friends of other means like your other friends and your other Supports are important. I haven't heard from you in a romantic relationship because it from what I know is you need them when things go wrong in the furnace play something I wish I would've known in the first place to begin with.
Other things that show that someone is not a good fit for you is not restaurants alcohol and controlling our moulding behaviour but also because if they're fine, no mould them selves or new you or if they're trying to mould their way and your way of life and stuff and then spoil it for you seen my black magic word from the sky and you see what I mean. When I met Brian, he was a wonderful person but when I ended up breaking up with him, he was ISIL and also a horrible person. And I would also be spending time trying to call him out on his ISIL alliances as he was thinking that would be very funny to be ISIL.    The signs of a psychopath or that they do not show emotions and also regret and they really feel comfortable around emotions. This is something you may want to take in consideration when you're getting into a relationship are you getting into a relationship with a psychopath I'm not talking about the record labels. I would suggest if you would try to find resources to help learn about relationships and the conflict within them as well and try to know how to neutralize or de-escalate the situation more of a mature and more beautiful way of dealing with things. I hope you have a better option was your relationships and I did.

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