Getting out of trouble

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Getting out of trouble is trying to stay out of trouble. Don't be there in the first place and you'll be perfectly fine. I think that's what Mr. Miyagi said on karate kid is that the win a good fight or to win anything in life is not to be there in the first place unless it's a hockey game or a sports then I suggest them being there. But if not, then I would suggest that you just stay home. That's the best way to avoid bad situations in the first place unless it is that you're home where there any problems and get the hell out.
I am not Joe from the bus practice. I'm trying to avoid getting in trouble getting into fights is not to be there in the first place I could save your life and it's very easy not to get into trouble. Just read a book on wash a good TV show even though I just mentioned something about TV a minute ago dishwasher favourite TV show on Netflix or read your book in the first place and see what can happen. If you see that they're the bad Times come to you meeting the bully or hater come see you in the first place and decide to hate on you at home that you're actually gonna have to trade or call the police parallel that I don't see why staying at home tonight cause any harm. Just stay out of the way of the bad.
"Just don't be there" I don't know how many times I have heard the same whenever I watch cobra Kai on Netflix but anyways, this is what it is. It is what it is just don't be there if you're going to get in trouble go to the wrong place at the wrong time and use whatever you usually do in the first place but they're not stay home but if you want to not be there in the first place and not get in trouble the best practice like with Covid is to stay home in the first place and avoid the actual situation. I wouldn't suggest being a pacifist. It's just a way of saving your life and trying to get out of trouble in the first place by avoiding trouble.
Also, the fight you win is the fight you do not start . Why did you not start stuff up? It's important to note that things are going to go a lot easier in life. Being aggressive county going somewhere but a aggressive for most part is not good in the first place and can cause a lot of problems.  For example, giving someone a dirty look herbs that saying something out of someone's hand, or anything for that matter that is a grasses is not very important to do in the first place. You can find other ways to do it. You don't have to be aggressive all the time. Unless you're being ambitious, but if you're not and you're just trying to be a Molly, I would suggest stay home as well in the first place as well because that is where you wanna be more songs, and less likely to cause problems.
The same thing goes with an untimely death, if you have a funny feeling about the situation, then I would suggest that you would stay home the best way to stay safe. If the situation persist, Steven when you're at home, I would suggest calling 911 or the police. As I said, I have been through these things, and I have heard stories about these things happened to other people. Were they been in the wrong place at the wrong time and having tag or been victimized in a way that is not very good. So it's a very important to not be there in the first place.

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