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Family family is what it is. His friends is not relatives. And why do I say that because friends or more of your relatives in your actual relatives in the first place it's hard to explain. We call each other family and the juggalo world.   We don't believe in relative there. Llosa means to an end to us. I think I don't think we should consider our relatives family because they are not sometimes very Unloyal and very immature and sometimes psychopathic again not talking about the record label. When you're dealing with relatives, revealing basically with people who could care less about you, and one in dealing with friends are dealing with people actually give a darn about you and give a crap's ass at what you do. for example, I have more psychopaths in my family again not referring to the psycho pathic record label, but also Joe saying what they are in the first place, some human human beings that were horrible to me and were atheist and also very god-awful to me. More about the atheist thing and conflict resolution. When I was dealing with my family, I was dealing with a bunch of bullshit as it were not very nice to begin with, and were horrible to me. One even trying to hurt me one relative trying to hurt me in a very personal way and then also oh my oh Sam called a liar and other things because of my religion. Something I don't wanna suggest you call someone who is a  religious personal liar.
Jonathan relative I had with my mother, you should hold your mother to hire a Steam and your other relatives because they are very important to have and they are very sleeting. Where is the other relatives can be right there to annoy you she can be the one that can I help you. But I would not suggest going towards family members as an relatives and said get out of here fourth cousins, and said I would suggest that I would go about go aboutConsulting a friend about my problems and other things that may be important to me where my relatives were just dismissed as Skews, my language, bullshit.
When I deal with friends, I'm dealing with a more supportive group and a more helpful and friendlier group of people than I would my relatives and I hope you would find the same as well. I don't know what your relatives situation is like if they're good or not, but if they're not as good like me, then I would suggest that you want to come to friends instead.  When you're dealing with a lot of bad things in a family relative, why is not very good in the first place I have been in a toxic relationship with my relatives for quite some time before I was able to cut  most of them off trying not to be mean, but yes, I had a cut off my ties with my aunt and Jocelyn, as well as a brother named Brian and he was the one that tried to hurt me. So I would suggest if you have a toxic family that you cut ties with them as well, and just stick with friends. I think that's worth a Insane Clown Posse was trying to tell us as a family or more friends or friends or more family than anything else so we should deal with a lot more instead of horseshit from relatives, who may not have our best interest at heart.
Also, if you are in a toxic family relationship, not only do you have to get out of it right away like I did for years ago but you also have to get the heck out of your head as well to get back into life and get back on your feet I had to do this for four years before I was able to find myself fit for anything not just suitable for work, but also suitable for life as well. It's important to note the Suitable for does not mean just smut, but also meaning safe for life.  
I would rather lie on my friends find my actual family for things that are more important for me instead of dealing with people who will just call you about crapper and a liar .    Something that I just don't believe you have to go through. If you're going through a phase or if you're a religious or anything like me, I would suggest that finding your own way of going about your own path you need friends more than a dumb relatives.

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