Reading or tv

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Reading or TV is the actual title of this I will say reading is more important than TV because reading is actually going to help you through life and help you through certain things even if you're reading an article on the Internet, writing reading, and writing are the best things in the whole world to do and I enjoy doing them for the most part. Instead of watching her is playing on live cable TV I would rather if I had to watch TV watch Disney+ or Netflix where there's no problems or even as much as YouTube where I can control the ads. But even at that that's pushing it I would rather just stick with reading if I could, because that's where the imagination lies is reading and writing. Reading you get your own visualize and have control over the content of the mark even though you're not the writer. As well as if you're going to be wonderfully and creative, you can be a writer as well and make your own work or write your own bark like I do. I'm gonna small potatoes right now but I'm hoping to make a bed. Because I like to read and write. But reading and writing is what causes creativity in the first place, and I will suggest the reading and writing is more important Than watching TV.
iPhone, there's more variety involved in there as in TV shows I find. I find that if you have more books to deal with that you're more able to have a variety in your imagination and you're able to control what is being shown in your brain whereas with the TV you can't go trigger warning this is really drive me nuts and block out that part.
How do they come to reading well not first learning in school but also because I watched a very stupid movie one time when I was in grade 10 and I decided that was the end of TVs or movies until Netflix came around that's when I decided to read it even with Netflix that is still pushing it with me because I would rather just read a book sometimes when I'm upset or Stressed out sometimes it's very important to have that feeling of a good book in the first place for something electronic cannot hold it standard to.
That doesn't mean that I don't do e-books when I read e-books, or that I don't do very many electronic versions of books, but I do like my physical holding your hand box that show you what imagination is about if you were to say my room, it would be just full of the darn things in the first place . It's important to have a love reading for you to be able of things free for yourself, as well as to be able to be independent minded as well. If you wanna know more about that concept, read the book 3 cups of tea and you'll notice what I mean where if you start reading you're going to be more independent and more self thinking, if that is the word.   I think think for oneself is important to help yourself in situations with relationships and other things when you can get called" brainwashed by another person so I would suggest said it's important to read as much as possible to make sure you're not as susceptible to the damages of other people, ignorance of other people, as well as, their harmful behaviours particularly example, Brian Warner, and other people like that who have been very bad influences in my life, and I was able to read a book and I was able undo what they have done to me.
Yeah, you might think I'm a little crazy about the people but I'm not. I'm just trying to show you that there is a garden the life that can help you live a good life without actually ruining your life without giving in in the first place be a juggalette think for yourself and see what might happen in the first place.
When you are dealing with other things, and also reading a book is important to keep the imagination going I may mention that before the creative juices flowing as well as trying to be able to think for yourself and other things it's important to improve your life and improve your creativity as well. How do you think I ended up with three YouTube channels and so many followers in the first place because I end up reading up on my subject matter for my blogs and start talking about them in the first place sometimes a good movie about the subject matter. Isn't that bad I would prefer movies over TV sometimes anything over TV I think even a good tooth Pulling.
Yeah, TV is like pulling teeth I think in my opinion, I'd rather watch a movie or Rita quality book in the first place that is worth my time in the first place a good quality movie a good quality, but I was fine with me more important than office 30 minutes of sheer crap.

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