Authors note

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I hope you enjoyed my little guard on life. I know it might sound blonde and a little of colour of times but it is what it is the same thing with life. It can be off colour at times and can cause some problems in the first place, so think about that if you really want to live the best life, I would suggest following what I have said and not doing any of the things that you are not supposed to do in the first place. Listen to your friends listen to urine stinks and see where you're gonna go from there. I would not be a shoot from the hip kind of person, NVM Halso/because that is where you can actually end up being hurt, or even worse. And being impulsive is not a very good thing in the first place sometimes it can be for a spur of the moment like a tattoo but when it comes to certain things, then I would suggest thinking twice before you do anything that's going to cause any problems.   That is why I wrote this book in the first place is that impulsivity and stupidity will just get you nowhere in the first place, partying drugs, alcohol smoking, and other things are not good for your mental health as well as was trying to help with your life in general, because I have had in life experience in the first place so I think it's important that we discuss these things in a more personal matter with her friends and loved ones are Homies if you would, and try not to do the things that I told you not to do in the first place, I know this for a fact because I have had in life experience that and I also have had read up on certain issues that people go through that I find interesting but worrisome at the same time like mental health and other stuff so it's important that you read up on these things if you find that you're suffering I'd suggest going to your local hotline or something.

Eleanor A. Foxstars

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