Chapter One

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The rain was pouring outside, Reid was sitting by his desk, finishing up a report, a brutal one at that.

The thunder was loud outside, but felt so much louder against his skin every time he jumped from another strike.

One... Two... Three..

"Reid, I'm heading home now, I suggest you do the same." Hotch's voice spoke as he walked across the room, causing Reid to jump and loose count of the miles.

"I'm just gonna finish up this report, I'll head out once I'm done." Reid didn't look up from his work, but he could feel the stare of Hotch's eyes burning against his head.

"I'll see you tomorrow, good night." He felt the man's stare leave his head, making him instinctively catch his breath, he didn't even realize he was holding.

"Good night." Reid whispered, as he was trying to get the report done as fast as possible.

On the other side of the floor, was the man who caused his nervousness. Supervisor Special Agent Derek Morgan. He was still sitting in his office as the clock slowly ticked closer to 11 pm.

He, though, was not working on a report, or any work at all. Morgan was trying to figure out why he had been feeling differently about a certain doctor lately.

All Morgan wanted was to see Reid's awkward smile, listen to his endless rants, hear him rambling about random facts, his voice in general. He figured that's what you feel, when you've got a best friend.

Morgan stood up from his chair, finally deciding to head home and get some well deserved sleep.

Just as Morgan headed out of his office, he saw a familiar head of hair head towards the elevator.

"Hey Reid! Wait up!" The man exclaimed as he sped up his pace towards the younger.

Reid, who had thought Morgan had left hours before, was pleasantly (or unpleasantly) surprised with the presence of the other man pacing towards him.

"Morgan, I thought you had left with Garcia 73 minutes ago?" He looked at his watch, then at Morgan.

"Don't tell me you timed it." Morgan shot him one of those million dollar smiles, one of those that caused everyone in a 5 mile radius to fall over their words and become flustered, including of course, Reid.

"I didn't. I just know that Garcia left at 9:37. And it's 10:50 right now." Reid glanced at Morgan's face, before ultimately returning to his shoes.

Morgan scoffed, as the elevator had arrived, walking inside, Reid, did not move a muscle. He was too focused on his shoes and the imagine of Morgans smile in his head.

Morgan glared at Reid confused, as a beep sound was heard, and the elevator doors starting to close.

Reid came back to reality, and quickly squeezed inside.

"Hey you good?" Morgan looked at him with a face full of confusion, and concern.

"Yeah." Reid answered, again not looking at the man beside him, as he clicked the button to the ground floor.

"You sure? You look as if you haven't slept in days." Morgan continued to look at the doctor, waiting for him to gaze back up at him.

"We just came back from a case." Reid excused, not remembering if it was actually true.

"Spencer, we haven't had a case in over 3 days." Morgan completely turned his body from standing beside Reid, to now standing in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I just need to get home." He excused himself as he quickly paced out of the elevator.

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