Chapter Twenty

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Reid felt his heart drop, why did he change his MO this drastically?

Either it was a cover up, or Elijah hadn't killed all those couples.

Which meant either way they let a serial killer loose.

Reid felt the panic rise, almost collapsing as he sat down, looking at the table, he felt the stares, he felt disgusting, why did he care so much about that one case?

"Reid come with me for a second." He heard Hotch speak, he looked up, Hotch looked puzzled, maybe angry? Reid couldn't figure out his expression.

Reid nodded, standing up, just wanting to crawl in a hole and cry.

Hotch led him to a corner of the station with no one near, just them.

"The hell was that?" Hotch instantly spat, his arms crossed as he tightened his shoulders, staring at Reid like he was his teenage daughter who had been caught sneaking out.

"We let a serial killer loose!" Reid complained, struggling to get the words out, looking at Hotch with such a pained expression.

Hotch ignored his protest. "Here's the deal, you're gonna get on the next plane to DC, you're gonna go home, and when this case is over, we're gonna have a talk." Hotch explained, his stare burning into Reid's skull.

"But-" "No buts, Reid, something is bothering you, and the only recent change in your life that I know of, is Morgan, so unless you tell me something else is bothering you I have no reason to not blame your lack of professionalism and work performance on your relationship."

Reid felt his heart drop, no, no no no, he was wrong, it wasn't Morgan, he loved Morgan, he felt better, younger, more free with him.

"Hotch-" Reid protested, only to be interrupted by his boss. "No. Quit this childish act and go home. We'll continue this once the case is over." Hotch left the room, Reid stood for a bit, hearing him speak to the team.

"Reids gonna head back to DC, that's all that concerns any of you." Reid could tell Hotch sent Morgan a glare with those words.

Reid left the station, doing exactly what his boss said.


Reid unlocked his apartment, it was around 2 am here, which meant it was 2 am as wellin Boston.

Which meant Morgan was definitely asleep.

He dropped his bags in the bedroom, not caring to unpack, as he slowly unbuttoned his blouse, missing how Morgan looked at him when he did it, his hands brushing against his chest, his face close to Reid's.

Reid was thrown out of his thoughts when he heard what he deemed a creak, Reid brushed it off as just being someone getting home, the apartment building wasn't the newest.

He dropped his shirt on the floor, letting it lay there was he put on one of Morgan's T-shirts he had borrowed, unbeknownst to Morgan.

He sat on the bed, it was soft, but not as soft as Morgan's, he laid down, cuddling a pillow, wishing it was his boyfriend.

How was he gonna fall asleep without him? He wondered, he didn't think it was possible, he had grown so used to how the man's chest felt, how his arms wrapped around him.

Reid's eyes shot up when he heard a louder creak, he was being paranoid, he usually never was.

He swear he saw a glimpse of light in the living room. No, he was being stupid, paranoid, he wasn't used to being home while the rest of the team was on a case, he was tired.

Reid tried to fall asleep, he couldn't. His heart was beating at the speed of light years, which was technically impossible but that's what it felt like.


Reid heard it loud and clear, his entire body shot up, he looked around. Someone had definitely screamed, it sounded like just outside his room.

He jumped up, grabbing the first pants he saw, before opening his drawer and grabbing his gun.

He had never used it before, it was strictly for emergencies, but this counted as one hell of an emergency.

He didn't call 911, he didn't call for help, he didn't tell anyone what was happening, he didn't lock the doors.

He ran right into the hallway.

His heart dropped what felt like miles into the floor, right outside the apartment was a woman.

A dead one.

She was sat against the wall, bullet straight to the forehead.

Reid instantly recognized her, her name was Adriana, Adriana Ortiz, she was wearing clothes that suggested she had been coming home from a night out, she lived on the 3rd floor, she was a school teacher.

How the hell did she end up like this?

Reid felt the panic rise, but kept it under control, he didn't touch her, he didn't touch anything.

He just stared.

Then again, when he looked closely, something that looked like a note.

Behind her ear, was a note tugged into her long dark hair, Reid felt guilty as he grabbed it, it had a slight drop of blood on it.

He was puzzled by what was written on it.

"53 16 53

I do not wish to shed a drop of blood, but 'I must fight the course.' Tis all that's left to me."

He stared at it, read it again and again. The first part had him confused, but the last part made sense.

It was a rather famous quote by John Wilkes Booth, the man who had assassinated Abraham Lincoln, in 1865.

Who the hell left this here?

He flipped the note around, just be even more puzzled, and scared.

"Hello Spencer"


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